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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1781
Volume 47, Page 310   View pdf image (33K)
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310 Letters to the Governor and Council

June 22
Red Book

No. 27
Letter 103

flatter myself your Excelly will order the Treasury to furnish Mr
Muir with 100 Hhds Immy. Mr Muir's accot of fine Cloth for officers
amot to near 100 Hhds which was not Estimated.

June 23

[Chas. Blake, Corsica, to His Ex: Thos S. Lee]

EncloStd I send yr Ex: patterns of the Cloath seized for the
State 41 yds of the Frize @ 22/6 11 3/4 of the Brown Coating @
nine bus of Wheat and 9 1/2 of the light Coating at the same price
I have seized 3 blanketts six yds of Course linnen and four hatts all
the clothing for sale with us the Shops were quite empty
[P. S.] the above wheat Mr Hutchings rates at a dollar.

June 23

[Richard Dallam to Governor Lee]

Colo Aquila Paca will apply to Your Excellency with a List Offi-
cers wanting for the 23rd Battalion of Militia of this County, Your
Excellency will Please to Order such Commissions as he will Apply
for to be made out
P. S. Aquila Paca, Colo; John Rogers, Leiut Colo; Samuel Smith,

To Col: Aquila Paca.
Sir The Cross Road Company request that you would procure
Commissions for their Company as follows viz
James Walker Captain
James Cain 1st Lieutenant
Daniel Baylis 2nd do
Hugh Dever Ensign — as they have this Day chose them by Vote
June 16th 1781
Signed by Jno Tilbrook Clk.
The Votes taken in presence of John Archer.

June 23

[Matt Ridley, George Town, to Gov. Lee.]

I did my self honor to write you p post and was in hopes to have
heard from your Hoiible Board on the Subject of the Horses. Militia
Laws &c. From the hurry in which my last Letter was wrote I mis-
took in saying the number of the Baltimore Troop here rank & file
was forty. I should have said the whole including commissioned &
non Commd the same with regard to the Frederick Troop. Since that
Letter the number of the Frederick Troop is considerably diminish'd
by Furloughs. The last Parade day only fifteen in the whole were
muster'd Many are gone home to replenish in Money & others to
look into their Family affairs. They are much dissatisfied with lay-
ing here so long & grumble much at their private expences; which are
rather encreased from the want of proper provision not having been

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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1781
Volume 47, Page 310   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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