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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1781
Volume 47, Page 312   View pdf image (33K)
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312 Letters to the Governor and Council

June 25

the £150, the whole acct I have enclosed, hoping you will as soon as
possible send money to discharge it, or the sum which I engaged to
pay him in consequence of the order. I received your letter counter-
manding the march of the troop of light horse, with a request that
they would with all possible dispatch equip themselves for the Field,
with which I have acquainted them, & believe they are making every
exertion in their power — we have procured a three years recruit in the
room of the Drafted man — & sincerely wish the Clothing could be
sent over, as they will not consent to leave this place before they are

I am sorry there is no money left in this Treasury as I am just
return'd from Annapolis where I left all the money in my hands
as Treasurer and if there was I could not pay your Order, as the
Assembly have directed me not to pay any more Orders untill they
shall direct me. I am your mo: obedt
H. Dickinson
Wednesday night 1781.

June 22d 1781. The State of Maryland Dr to David Crane.

To fifty one Pair of Shoes and Leather to Foot one Pair of Boots
at thirteen Shillings and Nine Pence a Pair Specie or Eighty Two
and six Pence a Pair State Money which is the Present Exchange
E E by David Crane
Specie £35: 15:0

State 214: 10: 0

Chester Town June 22d 1781
Received of Mr David Crane fifty one Pair of shoes for the use
of the Soldiers belonging to the Maryland Line and Leather to Shue
a Pair of Boots for mySelf
Thos Mason Capt
4th Md Regt

June 25
Red Book
No. 30
Letter 91

[Deposition of Thomas Beall of George, Esq., Bernard O'Neill and
Leonard M. Deakins]

State of Maryland Montgomery County to wit
June 25th 1781
Then Thomas Beall of George Esqr Bernard O Neill and Leonard
M. Deakins came before me, one of the Justices of the County afore-
said, and made Oath on the holy Evangels of Almighty God, well
and truly to appraise in Specie, the Horses belonging to the Troops
commanded by Nicholas R. Moore Esquire.
Sworn before
Richard Thompson

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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1781
Volume 47, Page 312   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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