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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1781
Volume 47, Page 307   View pdf image (33K)
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January 1-December 31, 1781 307

Linnens taken by Pat Sim Smith for the use of the State, the property
of James Stone viz.

20 yds house Linnen d 7/
30 yds Irish sheeting 10/
30 yds Britaines 8/6

June 20
Red Book
No. 27
Letter 98

[Matt Ridley, Adjt, George Town, to Gov. Lee.]

I have to inform you that part of the Baltimore Troop of Light
Dragoons got here last Saturday. Since then some others have joined
and make in the whole Rank & file Forty Eight of the Frederick
Troops, there are twenty eight rank & file. We are in expectation
that a few more will yet join each Troop.
We have had several reports of our being ordered to the south-
ward — should this be necessary the Frederick Troop will have occa-
sion for camp Kettles, which I beg may be forwarded without delay.
Capt Moore also desires that he may be furnishd with the Militia
Laws. Among such a Number some disputes may arise and it will
be necessary the officers should know their powers.

I am desired to ask of the loss of Horses by death, from accident,
or in the Field; what is to be the Owners remedy? This Question
arises from one of the Frederick Gentlemen having lost his. He was
sent out with some others on a party for provisions. On his return
the Horse died. Unless he can be furnished with another he must
be left behind — similar instances may arise. I do not think the State
will expect the individual to Sustain the loss — indeed many cannot
afford it. With submission Would it not be proper to have all the
Horses valued by indifferent persons ?
From the politeness of our Friends we fare well here; but unless
some instructions are given there must shortly be a want of provi-
sions & Forage We have already been obliged to order out parties
to seize Cattle & are only fed from hand to Mouth with Hay
About 180 of the Frederick Militia are come in. Our Gentlemen
desire their respects.

June 21

[William Clagett, Upper Marlbro, to His Exy Thomas S. Lee Esqr]

James Ritchie will deliver Mr John Muir the Goods taken in
this County by Monday next. You will please to Charge John Smith
Brookes and Comy with 1 ps ozenburgs 136 yds short delivered me
as they had made use of it since they gave an acct of the Goods taken
from them, in expectation of replacing it before it would be wanted.

June 21

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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1781
Volume 47, Page 307   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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