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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1781
Volume 47, Page 306   View pdf image (33K)
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306 Letters to the Governor and Council

June 20

directions respecting them. Should have sent Samples, but an Op-
portunity offering for Quick Passage and my being a distance from
Them Prevented me but should they be wanted will inclose them in a
Letter immediately.

June 20

[Edw'd Gaither Jun'r, Elk Ridge, To James Brice Esqr Lieut of
Ann Arundel Cty.] (Favd by Capt. Stevens)

Please to have the following Person's Commission'd for Capt
Charles Whites Company of Militia, Thomas Ijams, Second Lt Henry
Dorsey (of Joshua) Ensign, for Capt Vachl Stevens Company
Benjamin Hood first Lt
The following drafted Persons are not to be found; their Familys
say they dont know where they are — Aaron McKenzie — William
Beachman John Brown (shoemaker) John Fitgency (at Elk Ridge
Landg) has armed himself and says he will die in his house before
he'l goe to Arms Please to write me what's to be done

June 20
Red Book
No. 27
Letter 98

[Pat. Sim Smith, Calvert, to Gov. Lee]

I have in consequence of my appointment used my utmost en-
deavours to procure cloathing &ca for the Troops, but have met with
very little success. The only person I can find in the County who has
any of the articles enumerated for sale is Mr James Stone, and he
has only about 70 or 80 yards of course Linnens such as I think may
answer — this I have seized, but as Mr Stone's sole dependance is on a
small trade he carries on from this Place to Baltimore Town, and he
has lately lost Twenty hogsheads of Tobacco taken by the Enemy, I
am really sorry to distress him, should be therefore very glad this
seizure might be dispensed with, especially as the advantage arising
from it to the State will be trifling in proportion to the Injury he
may sustain as an Individual unless he could be Immediately paid for
the goods — being at a loss to know what is allowed for such Linnens,
I have Inclosed Samples of the different kinds with the prices he has
fixed on them, and must beg for directions — (If I am to keep them)
what price to allow him.
I much fear the meat provisions I have on hand belonging to the
State will be lost for the want of Barrels and Salt neither can be got
here on any Terms. I have expected them for sometime past from
Annapolis, but am afraid they have been forgot in the hurry of
Could they be landed on Herring Bay (provided tis not conveni-
ent to Land to Patuxent) I would Immediately have them carted
over — this I flatter myself may be Done shortly as I am anxious to
save the provision, and think there is no other Chance for it.

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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1781
Volume 47, Page 306   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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