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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1781
Volume 47, Page 305   View pdf image (33K)
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January 1-December 31, 1781 305

I have about 800 bbs of Bacon for sale for which I will take I5d
specie p bb or Tobacco at 15/ p 100 to be in this County, if you
think proper to purchase the Bacon, an order on the Sheriff of this
County will answer, and I will deliver the above quantity of Bacon
to any person you may appoint
On the other side you have an account of the Articles which I
have taken from my Brother, and as the goods will be at Annapolis
before my Brother will Leave that place, you will have an oppor-
tunity of seeing the Goods and fixing the price with him.

June 20

To Thomas Clagett & Co

1781 June. To 100 yds of Duffle & Bearskin lbs. Tobo
in 5 ps @ 200lbs Tob payment J 20,000
20 To 2 ps 123 yds Germon Dowlass

To 8 fine felt Hatts No 7 7 fine felt Hatts 3
8 dd do " 6 7 do do 2

2 do do 5 1 Bed Cord.
7 do do 4 To 2 Boxes to pack the Goods

[Philip Casson, Com'y, Caroline County, to the Governor
and Council. ]

In pursuance of an Act to raise an immediate supply of Cloathing
for the use of the Troops now raised and raising in this State I am
to acquaint you that there is but one small Store kept in this County
(in which such things only can be obtained) the Property of a Gen-
tleman we have afforded every friendly assistance that could be ex-
pected from a Person of his abilities — he has six thousand Pounds in
Certificates now by him for which he has furnished Commodities
of various kinds — and offers the goods I have Taken an account of at
first Cost with the Addition of expences in getting them from Phila-
delphia to the Place they now are, the few Articles which I thought
came under the Law with the Price annexed to each are as follows

June 20

11 3/4 Yards Rushia Sheeting
20 1/2 Yards Brown do
42 Yards White do
6l/2 Yards Check Linen

@ 7/6
@ 7/6
@ 6/6
@ 7/6

4: 8:1/3

13.. 0.0

2.. 8..9


£27..10..7 1/2

The above goods he will take Country Produce for agreeable to
the Price here given—and should Your Excellency approve or Dis-
approve of the Proceedings—I would Humbly be oblige to you for


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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1781
Volume 47, Page 305   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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