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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1781
Volume 47, Page 304   View pdf image (33K)
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304 Letters to the Governor and Council

June 19
Red Book
No. 30
Letter 86

lency and Honours will excuse those detached scrawls, I am obliged
to take them as they occur to me, or as they become necessary.
Your favour is Just now received regarding the Bread and shall be
attended too as soon as I can get a Vessel for that purpose most of
the owners of Vessels are shy of the public Service, as they have been
too Illy paid,

June 19

[John Murdock, Montgomery County, to Gov. Lee.]
(By John Beedon)

The Bearer drives a Waggon with him in Order to receive and
bring to George Town, the Arms and Accoutrements which you may
choose to send thither for the Use of the Militia in this County.
We are in great Want of Ammunition for small Arms and Coll
Deakins tells me you can send Cartridges ready made for the proper
sized Muskets, which will be very convenient as no Cartridge Paper
is to be had in this Part of the Country.
There is a small Quantity of Lead in George Town, which might
be cast and made up into Cartridges suitable for Guns of different
sized Bores, if you think proper to send some Cartridge Paper for
the Purpose; some Gunpowder is also wanted only a small Quantity
being on Hand besides some damaged Powder which is now issuing
to the select Militia and light Horse to muster with.
Should it be necessary to lodge at George Town, any Ammunition
for the Militia of other Counties, it may be sent by this Waggon, if
there should not be a full Load without it.
Commissions are wanted for the two following Persons in Capt
Thomas Edmonston's Company — Coll DeakinSts Battalion — Viz
Richard Jones 2d Lieutl Jeremiah Orme, Ensign. Please to inform
the Waggoner how and when he is to be paid for this Service.

June 19

[Hezekiah W'heeler, George Town, to His Excellency Thomas Sim
Lee, Esqr.]

I got to this place on the 8th Ulto with a Company of Select Mili-
tia from the lower Batalion of Prince Georges County, with some
Muskets, but such as are by no means proper to take to the field;
besides their want of Bayonets & the smallness of the bore, they are
entirely out of repair, I am the more importunate on this matter as I
hourly expect to be orderd to the Southward with the light horse
from this place, shall therefore hope you will send our order to Colo
Beall to deliver so many well fixt arms as the Company may want,
before they receive orders to March.

June 20

[William Clagett, Piscataway, to Gov. Lee.] (By Mr. Landsdale)

I shall agreeable to your directions get the Goods collected to
Marlbro by to morrow noon, and shall indeavour to send them from
thence the next day.

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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1781
Volume 47, Page 304   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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