Excellency's pointed instructions to the State agent for a faithful
complyance therewith) one sixth part to be delivered the 20th Feby
one the 20th March, one the 26th Aprl one the first of May, one the
first of June, and the residue the fifteenth of July.
I need not mention to your Excellency the great punctuality there
ought to be observed by the States in procuring and delivering the
supplies required, and the uneasiness the want of One days provi-
sions ocasions with the soldiery — to prevent which, I beg such pow-
ers may be given your agents as will enable them to execute, with-
out which it will be impossible for me to keep up a regular supply
for the Army.
The requisitions of Congress were barely calculated to support the
troops they have reason to expect in the field next Campaign — and
from the present prospects of State supplies I dread the most fatal
consequences will ensue, the troops at West point and the other can-
toonments of the army in this neighbourhood have been several days
upon half allowance of bread, and but a very temperary supply of
meat, if our situation is such in the most plentiful season of the
year, and when the army is much reduced. I leave you to Judge what
it must be next summer with twenty or thirty thousand men in the
field operating against the enemy the consequence must undoubtedly
be their desolution for want of subsistance, without the States use
ten fold exertions in procuring the supplies.
Congress have ordered me to make monthly returns of all state
supplies and for that purpose to call upon the executive of each
State — have therefore to request your Excellency to give express or-
ders to your State agent to furnish me with an accurate return of all
supplies obtained from your State in the year Eighty and to whom
delivered — and to make proper monthly returns in future to my
Office at Philadelphia, when I settle the accounts of the agents who
acted for me in your State the last year, shall furnish you with a
return of all provisions purchased on Continental Acct let no cause
whatever prevent you from furnishing the supplies required by
The new arangement of the Quarter Master and Commissary Gen-
erals departments points out the delivery of all State supplies to the
deputy Quarter Master or his Store Keeper at the Magazines or
place of deposit who is to receive and forward the same.
January 18
[Arch'd Chisholm, Annapolis, to Gov. Lee]
This is to inform your Excellency that my Brother Jonathan
Waters was taken with Capt Harrison on Board the Sloop Lincoln
from West River in the Capacity of a Common Marine and is now
prisoner at New York. This is to Beg your Excellency and Honour-
able Council to Remember Him that if the exchange does not extend
to the whole Crew you will be pleased as a Native and Resident in
the place to give Him the preference to those that are not.
January 18