January 17
Red Book
No. 28
Letter 42
[R'd Hooe, Alexandria, to Gov. Lee.]
Your Excellencys kind offer of assisting this Town with Cannon
and Ball is most thankfully received, And in consequence by order
of our County Lieut I have dispatched Mr Johnston Smith with
Waggons to bring 2 nine Pounders, as many nine Pound Shott,
Grape Shot and as much Match Rope as you can spare, also 5 Bar-
rells of Cannon & 2 of Muskett Powder.
A sailor belonging to the Brigantine Maryland a Vessell of ours
that saild from this port some time ago, and was taken upon the
Coast by the Iris Capt. Dawson and landed at Hampton on the 8th
Inst, says, there then lay seven Men of War, 9 transports and sev-
eral Captur'd Vessels at New Port News that the rest of their Men
of War and transports was up James River — that a Ship, a Brig, and
a Copper bottom Sloop was Cruizing in the Bay. That they talked
of going to Baltimore & Fredericksburgh, but from every thing he
could learn their intention was to go against Fredericksburgh, that
he thinks they will at least come up Potomack to Water, that they
were frequently enquiring how the different towns were fortified
and the number of Men &c They had but few negroes and had re-
fused taking many that had come off. They had taken off a great
number of cattle & all kinds of Stock. — from the latest accounts
General Weeden has a respectable body of Militia and a number of
Mounted Volunteers from Augusta and frederick.
January 18
[Eph: Blaine C. G. P. Head Quarters New Windsor to
Governor Lee]
I presume your Excellency has received the requisitions of Con-
gress a considerable time ago for the supplies of our army this
year — and that means have been adopted by your Legislature to pro-
cure them in due time. Congress have pointed out the proportions
of delivery, and his Excellency General Washington the places of
deposit and the Quantity of Provisions to be stored at each maga-
zine, two thirds of the Quota of Flour and Salt provisions required
from your State is to be reserved as a Magazine for the southern
army — the fresh beef rum and salt is to be subject to my order — the
salt and rum will not be wanting before the Spring and Summer at
which time I shall order the disposal of it — the salted beef to be
delivered in the following proportions Viz. (and for which I beg your