January 1-December 31, 1781 25
[Wm Lyles Jr. Green Plains, to Coll. Joshua Beall, Lieut of
Prince George's County]
Your favour of the 13th I have duely recd I shall endeavour with-
out loss of time to have the different companys called together and
examine into the State of their Arms &c. and make a return to
you immediately I have it done, I believe you are pretty well ac-
quainted with the situation of our Arms &ca in this County. Shame-
full to be thought of, I am certain we have not Arms enough in
my Battalion to arm one Company, & those not fit to go into the
field with. I dclivc'd your letter to the Governor recommending
Capt J. H. Beanes as a proper person to be the Major to the lower
Battalion. The Governor inform'd me he cou'd not issue a Com-
mission for him without the Approbation of the Officers belonging
to the Battalion, Accordingly I order'd a meeting of the Captains
and they Unanimously recommended him as their Major, If you have
an Opportunity to Annapolis you'l be pleaStd to mention it to the
Governor and request a Majors Commission may Issue immediately
for him, as I am much at a loss for an Officer to assist me in doing
the Business of the Battalion,
N B. — IncloStd you will receive Capt Wailes return of fines
W. L.
January 15
[Daniel Jenifer, Portobacco, To His Excellency Thomas Sim Lee]
When I had the honor of Addressing your Excy on Monday
last I informed Your Excy of the quantity of Beef and Pork that
might be expected from this County, provided Salt came in Time to
secure it. Yesterday a considerable quantity was missed for want
of Salt. I am not without hopes of securing at the least the quantity
mentd that many Insist upon Specie for at least one half and indeed
to some I have promised hard money. Therefore if your Excy cou'd
send two or Three hundred pounds of the solid you may depend upon
its being Eked out to the greatest advantage. It seems that the
Enemy were defeated in their expectations agst Petersburg, Genl
Smallwood on his way to Maryland put himself (as tis said) at the
head a body of Militia Engaged defeated and totally routed the
Enemy, those that did not fall fled to their Shipping which immedi-
ately moved down James River.
January 17
Red Book
No. 11
Letter 52
[Igns Fenwick to Richard Barnes, Esqr]
You will receive herewith by Mr For r est one George Clarke of
St Georges who is the person described by the Govr also one Lee
who lives by him & as I have been informd has been on Bd with
Clarke, my brother Jo, I think would have been able to satisfy the
Govr of there going on Bd but has been from home & could not be
now Summoned Doctor Brihon they have been after at two or three
January 17