Acts. 501
Inspector; and that the said Inspectors at the said Charles-Town
Warehouse, shall not be obliged to attend there more than three
Days in a Week, unless when called on upon particular Occasions, at
which Times they shall always be obliged to attend; any Law here-
tofore made to the contrary notwithstanding.
Liber B. L. C.
And be it likewise Enacted, That the Warehouses at Hannah
Brown's Landing, at Nottingham, at Piscataway, and Broad-Creek,
in Prince George's County, from and after the tenth Day of Novem-
ber next, shall be, and are hereby declared to be under distinct and
separate Inspections: And that the Salary of each Inspector, from
and after the Time aforesaid, shall be, at the said Hannah Brown's
Landing, thirty-five Pounds per Annum; at Nottingham, forty-five
Pounds per Annum; at Piscataway, fifty Pounds per Annum; and
at Broad-Creek, forty Pounds per Annum: And that the Salaries
at the Warehouses at Bladensburgh, Upper-Marlborough, and
Queen Anne, in Prince George's County aforesaid, from and after
the Time aforesaid, shall be, and are hereby declared to be reduced
to fifty-five Pounds per Annum each; any Law or Laws heretofore
made to the contrary notwithstanding.
and Broad
houses to
be under
separate In-
And be it likewise Enacted, That the Warehouses at Gilbert
Mackey's, and at St. Inegoe's, in St. Mary's County, from and after
the tenth Day of November, Seventeen hundred and fifty, shall be,
and are hereby declared to be under distinct and separate Inspec-
tions; and that the Salary of each Inspector at Mackey's, from and
after the Time aforesaid, shall be thirty-five Pounds per Annum ;
and at St. Inegoe's, thirty-five Pounds per Annum to each Inspector.
and St.
under sepa-
rate In-
And inasmuch as the Inspectors at the Warehouse at Indian
Landing, on Severn River in Anne Arundel County, were, by the
first Inspection-Law, to attend one other Inspecting-House, which
was by that Law to be erected on Magotty River in the said County ;
but inasmuch as it is not necessary to erect the said House at
Magotty River, and that there has not been the Quantity of Tobacco
brought to the said House at Indian Landing as was at first ex-
pected, whereby the Trouble and Labour of the Inspectors at that
House is, and will be much less: Be it therefore Enacted, That the
Salary of the said Inspectors at Indian Landing aforesaid shall,
from and after the first Day of December, Seventeen hundred and
fifty, be reduced to forty Pounds per Annum to each Inspector.
p. 521
of the
Salary at
And be it likewise Enacted, That from and after the End of this
Session, the Inspectors at the Warehouse on Charles Jones's Land,
at Lower Cedar-Point in Charles County, shall have an additional
Allowance of five Pounds Current Money per Annum to each In-
spector, over and above the Allowance heretofore made them: And
that from and after the first Day of December, Seventeen hundred
at Lower
and fifty, the Salaries to the Inspectors at Benedict-Town, in Charles
County, shall be, and is hereby declared to be reduced to forty-five
Pounds Current Money per Annum to each Inspector.
[Salary at
Town re-