Liber B. L. C.
for Indian
Landing to
be chosen
by the
Vestry and
wardens of
St. Anne's
And be it likewise Enacted, That from and after the End of this
Session of Assembly, the Vestrymen and Churchwardens of St.
Anne's Parish in Anne Arundel County, for the Time being, shall
choose, nominate, and recommend four Inspectors for the Inspecting-
House at Indian Landing in the said County: And that the Vestry-
men and Churchwardens of St. Margaret's Westminster Parish in
the said County, for the Time being, shall not choose, nominate, or
recommend any Inspector or Inspectors, for the said Inspection at
Indian Landing Warehouse aforesaid; any former Act or Acts to
the contrary in any wise notwithstanding.
ance of
this Act.]
This Act to continue until the first Day of December, which shall
be in the Year of our Lord God One thousand seven hundred fifty
and three.