500 Assembly Proceedings, May 8-June 2, 1750.
Liber B. L. C.
[Under the
same Inspec-
tion with
those at
Bruff's and
Old Field
appointed and qualified to serve at those Houses for the present
Year, and during the Continuance of this Act, shall be obliged to
attend and serve likewise at the said House of the said Philip Em-
merson; and that in Consideration of their Attendance and Service
at the said House, they shall be allowed an additional Salary of ten
Pounds Current Money each, over and above what is already allowed
to the Inspectors of Bruff's and the Old Field Landing Houses.
[One Third
of the 12 d.
per Hogs-
head to be
paid to the
of Wilson's
at King's
Town, the
other two to
W. Gale's
p. 520
And whereas the House at King's-Town in Talbot County, be-
longing to William Wilson, was by an Act made in May, Seventeen
hundred and forty-eight, directed to be used for storing inspected
Tobacco; and accordingly hath been taken, laid out, and appropri-
ated for that Purpose; but as the Proprietor of the said House is
in no Sort burthened with the Charge of Prizes, Posts, Wharff, or
Crane; Be it Enacted and Declared, That the Owner of the said
Wilson's House be paid but one third Part of the twelve Pence per
Hogshead, which shall arise due on all the Tobacco delivered out
of the said two Houses of William Wilson and William Gale; and
that the Proprietor of the latter House be intitled to receive the
other two Thirds of the said twelve Pence per Hogshead.
ton's and
Houses to
be under
And whereas it is represented to this present General Assembly,
that the Distance between Grundy Pemberton's House at Tuckahoe
Bridge, and the House now erected at Choptank Bridge, is at least
ten Miles; and that the Difficulty of attending at two Houses so
remote from each other, hath hitherto discouraged any Persons
who have been chosen Inspectors, and appointed, from accepting of
the said Office: Be it therefore Enacted and Declared by the Au-
thority aforesaid, That Pemberton's Houses, and Choptank Bridge
House, be separate; and that the Inspectors at Pemberton's be al-
lowed the annual Salary of forty-five Pounds Current Money, and
no more, to each Inspector; and the Inspectors at Choptank Bridge
House be allowed the Sum of thirty-five Pounds to each Inspector
yearly: And that the respective Vestries of the Parishes wherein
the Houses aforesaid stand, as soon as may be, after the End of
this Session, proceed to the Election of Inspectors for the said
Houses, as by former Laws they are directed.
Allowance to
each Inspec-
tor in
And be it likewise Enacted, That from and after the End of this
Session of Assembly, there shall be an additional Allowance of the
Sum of five Pounds Current Money, per Annum, to each Inspector,
at the several and respective Warehouses in Dorchester County,
over and above the Allowance heretofore made them by any former
Law. of this Province; any Thing in such former Law contained to
the contrary notwithstanding.
[Salary at
And be it likewise Enacted, That the Salary to the Inspectors at
Charles-Town Warehouse, on North-East River in Caecil County,
from and after the End of this Session of Assembly, shall be, and is
hereby declared to be reduced to thirty Pounds per Annum to each