Acts. 499
And be it likewise Enacted, That the Warehouses at Pamunka
Creek and Chickamuxon Creek, in Charles County, from and after
the tenth Day of November, Seventeen hundred and fifty, shall be,
and are hereby declared to be under distinct and separate Inspec-
tions; and that the Salary of each Inspector at Pamunka Creek
Warehouse, from and after the Time aforesaid, shall be forty
Pounds per Annum to each Inspector; and at Chickamuxon, thirty-
five Pounds per Annum to each Inspector; any Law heretofore made
to the contrary thereof notwithstanding.
Liber B. L. C.
[ Pamunkey
and Chicka-
to be under
two separate
p. 519
And whereas some Doubts have arisen, whether the Warehouses
of Grundy Pemberton at Oxford, in Talbot County, can, by Virtue
of the Act entituled, An Act for altering and establishing certain
Warehouses, and for other Purposes therein mentioned, be taken
or deemed to be Inspection-Houses to all Intents and Purposes, as
well as the Houses of Richard Gildart, at Oxford aforesaid. Now,
for removing such Doubts, Be it likewise Enacted, That the said
Houses of Grundy Pemberton be for the future deemed and taken
to be Inspection-Houses, for all Intents and Purposes whatsoever,
as well as the said Houses of Richard Gildart; and that one half
of the twelve Pence per Hogshead allowed by the Act entituled, An
Act for amending the Staple of Tobacco, for preventing Frauds in
his Majesty's Customs, and for the Limitation of Officers Fees, to
the Proprietors or Owners of Warehouses, which shall arise on all
Tobaccos which have, since the first Day of December last, or which
shall hereafter be inspected at either of the said Houses, shall be paid
by the Inspectors of the said Houses to the said Richard Gildart, or
other the Proprietor or Proprietors for the Time being of his said
House or Houses; and the other Half of the said twelve Pence per
Hogshead to the said Grundy Pemberton, or other the Proprietor
or Proprietors for the Time being of his said House or Houses.
[The Ware-
houses of
and Richaid
Gildart, at
Oxford, to
be on an
Provided always, that the said Grundy Pemberton, or other the
Proprietor or Proprietors for the Time being of his said House or
Houses, shall find and provide for the said Houses a good and suffi-
cient Beam, and Set of Weights and Scales, to be approved of and
adjusted by the Justices of Talbot County Court; and also keep
a Wharff, Crane, Prizes, Poles and Posts, and all other Necessaries
required to be found by Proprietors of Warehouses, in good Order.
And be it likewise Enacted, That the Warehouse of Philip Em-
merson, at his Dwelling Plantation in Talbot County, be from
henceforth erected into an Inspecting House; and that the said
Philip Emmerson provide a sufficient Wharff, Crane and Prizes, and
comply with all Requisites which other Proprietors of Warehouses
in like Cases, under any former Law concerning the Inspection of
Tobacco, are obliged to comply with; and that the said House be
added to, and continue under the same Inspection with the Houses
at Thomas Bruff's and Old Field Landing: And that the Inspectors
[An Inspect-
ing House
erected on