498 Assembly Proceedings, May 8-June 2, 1750.
Liber B. L. C.
such Oath or Affirmation is or shall have been made, shall intitle
the Owner or Purchaser thereof to the same Advantages every
Way, as he might have had if the Party making such Oath or Af-
firmation was actually alive, and was to make such Oath or Affirma-
tion before any Inspector or Inspectors of any Warehouse; any
Thing in this, or any other Act, to the contrary notwithstanding.
[Salary at
Town Creek
And be it likewise Enacted, That the Salaries to the Inspectors
at Town Creek Warehouse, in St. Mary's County, on the Land
belonging to Hugh Hopewell, from and after the tenth Day of
November, Seventeen hundred and fifty, shall be, and is hereby
declared to be reduced to thirty Pounds per Annum to each Inspec-
tor. And that Chester-Town, and Worton-Creek Warehouses, in
Kent County, from and after the tenth Day of November, Seven-
teen hundred and fifty, shall be, and are hereby declared to be under
distinct and separate Inspections; and that the Salary of each In-
spector at Chester-Town, from and after the Time aforesaid, shall
be fifty Pounds per Annum; and at Worton Creek, thirty Pounds
per Annum; and that the Inspectors at the said Worton Creek Ware-
house shall attend at the said Warehouse but three Days in a Week,
unless when called upon on particular Occasions, at which Times
they shall always be obliged to attend; any Law heretofore made to
the contrary notwithstanding.
[The Ware-
house at
And whereas it appears, that the Warehouse directed by the first
Inspection-Law to be kept at the Ferry on the North Side of Magotty
River, in Anne Arundel County, would be a certain Charge, from
the few Makers of Tobacco in that Part: Be it therefore likewise
Enacted, That it shall not, nor may be lawful, either for the Pro-
prietor of the Land at the Ferry on the North Side of Magotty
River, in Anne Arundel County aforesaid, or the Justices of the
said County Court for trip Time being, to erect or set any public
Warehouse, for the Inspection of Tobacco, at the Ferry on the
North Side of Magotty River aforesaid; any Thing in the said first
mentioned Inspection-Law, or any other Law contained to the con-
trary notwithstanding.
of Salaries
at Hunting-
Town and
Plumb Point
And be it likewise Enacted, That the Salaries to the Inspectors at
Hunting-Town Warehouse, and on Mr. Sutton Isaac's Land at
Plumb Point, in Calvert County, from and after the tenth Day of
November, Seventeen hundred and fifty, shall be, and is hereby
declared to be reduced to fifty Pounds Current Money per Annum
to each Inspector: And that each Inspector at Lower-Marlborough
Warehouse, in Calvert County, from and after the Time last men-
[Salary at
Ixjwer Marl-
tioned, shall have an additional Allowance of five Pounds Current
Money per Annum to each Inspector, over and above the Allow-
ance heretofore made by the first abovementioned Inspection-Law ;
any Law heretofore made to the contrary thereof notwithstanding.