324 Assembly Proceedings, May 24-June 24, 1749.
Liber B. L. C.
by the
to be
refusing to
accept that
trymen and Churchwardens." Be it Enacted by the Authority,
Advice, and Consent aforesaid, That if any Person, who is or shall
be appointed by his Excellency the Governor for the Time being,
to be an Inspector, shall refuse to take upon himself the Execution
of the said Office or Duty, such Person so refusing shall be, and he
is hereby obliged and directed to signify such his Refusal in Writ-
ing, under his Hand, directed to the Clerk of the Council for the
Time being, and shall within the Space of ten Days from the Re-
ceipt of his Warrant, deliver such Writing to the Sheriff of the
County, or his Deputy, where such Person shall reside, under the
Penalty of fifty Shillings current Money, to be recovered before a
single Magistrate, as in Case of small Debts; and the said Sheriff
shall, and he is hereby obliged, to forward the same in the like Man-
ner that Public Letters, by the Laws of this Province, are to be for-
warded, which are directed for his Lordship's Service.
[A. Ware-
house to be
erected at
Plumb Point
under the
same Inspec-
tion with
that at
And be it further Enacted, That there shall be a public Ware-
house on Mr. Sutton Isaac his Land, on Plumb Point in Calvert
County, for Inspection of Tobacco, under the same Inspection with
that at Hunting-Town in the said County; and that there shall be
paid to each Inspector, appointed, or to be appointed to attend in
Virtue of this Act, at the said Plumb Point Warehouse and Hunting-
Town Warehouse, the Sum of fifty Pounds current Money for this
Year, and the Sum of sixty Pounds for every Year after.
[A Ware-
house to be
rented at
Town, 'til
one can be
And whereas there is not at present a fit and convenient House
at the said Hunting-Town, Be it likewise Enacted, That the Jus-
tices of Calvert County Court for the Time being shall be, and they
are hereby authorized, impowered and directed, to rent an House
as convenient upon Hunting-Creek as they can procure one, to in-
spect Tobacco at, and store Tobacco in, for this present Year, or
until the Warehouse directed by this Act to be built at Hunting-
Town can be compleated; and also to provide Weights, Scales, and
all other Conveniencies, such as are required to be procured at other
Inspecting-Houses: And that the present qualified Inspectors, or
their Successors, which have been chosen by the Vestry of Christ's
Church Parish in Calvert County, shall be obliged to attend, for this
present Year, at the Warehouse to be built at Plumb Point, as well
as at the House to be rented upon Hunting-Creek, as above directed.
And whereas, by the before recited Act, a public Warehouse for
Inspecting Tobacco is appointed to be at Tuckahoe Bridge, in Queen
Anne's County, and as it is represented that a Warehouse is built
there by Grundy Pemberton, for prizing Tobacco; and that there is
a sufficient House for storeing Tobacco near and convenient thereto,
Wharff, &c.,
at Choptank
p. 481
tho' in Talbot County, and that the most commodious Place for a
Landing near the said Bridge is in Talbot County, and very near to
the said House last mentioned. Be it therefore Enacted, That the
Justices of Queen Anne's County aforesaid are hereby authorized,