Acts. 323
And be it further Enacted, That there shall be paid to the Inspec-
tors to be appointed to attend in Virtue of this Act, at the aforesaid
Warehouses, the Salaries hereafter mentioned; (that is to say,) to
each Inspector, for the Warehouse on the said Richard Porter,
junior, his Land, the Sum of forty five Pounds current Money, per
Annum, and no more; at the Warehouse at the said Humphry Wells
his Landing, the Sum of forty Pounds current Money, per Annum,
and no more; any Thing in the before recited Act, or any Act, to
the contrary notwithstanding.
Liber B. L. C.
of the
And whereas it is doubtful whether those Persons who had Ware-
houses built at the Time of making the aforesaid recited Act, and
which are appointed to be public Warehouses for Inspection of To-
bacco, are obliged to provide Cranes and Prizes, and other Neces-
saries, at the said respective Warehouses. Be it therefore Enacted,
That all and every such Person or Persons, who had a Warehouse
built at the Time of making the said recited Act, and which were
appointed by the said Act to be public Warehouses for Inspection
of Tobacco, shall be, and they are hereby obliged to provide Cranes
and Prizes, and all other necessaries, towards carrying the said
recited Act every Way into Execution, in the same Manner, and
under the same Directions of the Magistrates, as the several and
respective Proprietors or Owners of those Lands, who have built
Warehouses for Inspection of Tobacco, since the Making the said
recited Act, are obliged to do.
who had
built at the
Time of
making the
Laws to
and other
for such
And whereas by the said recited Act it is Enacted, " That in case
of the Death, Resignation, Refusal, or Removal of any Inspector
or Inspectors, the Governor or Commander in Chief, for the Time
being, shall and may nominate and appoint any other Person or
Persons, mentioned in the last Recommendation to be sent him from
such Vestrymen and Churchwardens, for any Inspection where a
Vacancy shall or may happen as aforesaid, to succeed any Inspector
[Part of
an Act
or Inspectors as aforesaid resigning, refusing, removing, or dead.
But should it so happen, that by Deaths, Resignations, Refusals, or
Removals, there should not be Persons enough left in the Nomina-
tions of the respective Vestrymen and Churchwardens, so as afore-
said to be transmitted, for the Appointment of the Governor or
Commander in Chief, then and in such Case the Vestrymen and
Churchwardens of any Parish or Parishes, where this shall happen
to be the Case, shall immediately meet as aforesaid, and elect two
or four, as the Case shall require, for Inspectors, and as before
transmit them to the Clerk of the Council, to be as before laid by
him before the Governor or Commander in Chief; out of which
the said Governor or Commander in Chief shall appoint a sufficient
Number, according to the true Intent and Meaning of the said re-
cited Act, to serve as Inspectors respectively, according and in Pur-
suance of the Recommendations aforesaid from the respective Ves-
p. 480