Acts. 325
impowered and required, as soon as conveniently may be, to con-
tract with the said Grundy Pemberton, or any other Person, as the
Case may require, for building a Wharff, erecting a Crane, letting
the said House in Talbot County to the present or any future In-
spectors, and making such Additions to the said Wharff, Crane, and
House, as may from Time to Time become necessary; and to act
and do every Thing required by the said Law, and in every Respect
agreeable thereto, as if the said Wharff, Crane, and House in Talbot
County, were in Queen Anne's County; any Thing therein contained
to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding.
Liber B. L. C.
And whereas, notwithstanding the Endeavours of the Justices,
agreeable to the Directions of the said Law, there is not as yet any
Warehouse built or contracted for at Choptank Bridge, in Queen
Anne's County, as by the said recited Law is directed: Be it En-
acted by the Authority, Advice, and Consent aforesaid, That the
Justices of Queen Anne's County are hereby impowered and re-
quired to proceed, by the last Day of August next, to the contracting
for building a Warehouse at Choptank Bridge, in Queen Anne's
County aforesaid; and a Wharff, Crane, and other Necessaries and
Conveniencies required by the said Act, in such Manner and Form
as by the said Act is directed, so as the said Warehouse, Wharff,
Crane, and other Necessaries and Conveniences, may be ready for
receiving, inspecting, and prizing Tobacco, by the first Day of April
next; any Thing therein contained to the contrary thereof in any
wise notwithstanding.
[Justices of
County to
contract for
building the
And in order to prevent any Doubt that may arise, whether any
Person having taken upon himself the Office of an Inspector, hath
a Liberty of resigning the same at his Pleasure; and to the End that
the Evil attending such Construction may be avoided; Be it Enacted
by the Authority, Advice, and Consent aforesaid, That no Inspector
already appointed, or who shall be hereafter appointed, after taking
upon himself or accepting of the Office of an Inspector, shall resign
his said Office, or refuse to act therein, until the first Day of Decem-
ber yearly.
And whereas it is represented to this General Assembly, that
Major Hopkins, in the said recited Act named, is not willing to rent
his House in Newport Town, in Worcester County, mentioned in
the said Act, to the Inspectors; but that he has lately built another
not to resign
until the
first Day of
House of the same Dimensions, in the same Town, as conveniently
situated, which he is inclinable to sell, with half an Acre of Land
whereon it now stands. Be it therefore Enacted by the Authority,
Advice, and Consent aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful to
and for the Justices of Worcester County, and they are hereby
required, as soon as conveniently may be after the End of this
present Session of Assembly, to purchase the said House, with the
Lot whereon it now stands, for one of the public Warehouses of the
at Newport.]