162 Assembly Proceedings, May 10-June 11, 1748.
Liber B. L. C.
Time being, shall be and they are hereby impowered to nominate
and recommend two able and sufficient Planters, well skill'd in To-
bacco, for the Execution of the Office of Inspectors; one of which
Persons so nominated and recommended shall be appointed for an
Inspector for the Warehouse at Bladensburg aforesaid: And that
the Vestrymen and Church- Wardens of King George Parish shall
nominate and recommend, as aforesaid, only two such Persons,
instead of four mentioned in the Inspection Law; one of which two
Persons shall be also an Inspector for the Warehouse at Bladensburg
And whereas the Inspectors, by the recited Act aforesaid, are
obliged to uncase every Hogshead, Cask and Case of Tobacco
brought to them to be inspected; but no Provision being made that
they shall put up and secure the same ;
to be nail'd
up after
Be it Enacted, That the several Inspectors shall be and are hereby
obliged whenever they shall have inspected a Hogshead or Hogs-
heads of Tobacco, to case and nail up the same in good Order, and
according to the true Intent and Meaning of this Act, immediately
after inspecting the same.
[Proviso in
Case of
Provided always, and be it further Enacted, That where two
Inspectors in the same Inspection shall disagree as to the Quality
of any Hogshead or Hogsheads of Tobacco, and that a Review shall
be required, and such Hogshead or Hogsheads, or any Part thereof,
shall be by such Reviewers adjudged unmerchantable, or be burnt
by Direction of this Act, that then and in such Case the Inspector
of the Inspection who was against first passing such Tobacco or
Tobaccoes, shall not be burthened with making Satisfaction for the
same, or any Part or Parcel thereof, but that then and in such Case
the other Inspector, who would have passed the same and approved
thereof, shall be burthened with and make Satisfaction for the
whole; Any thing in the said recited Act to the Contrary in any
wise notwithstanding.
[Time of
And be it further Enacted, That for this present Year the several
and respective Vestrymen and Church-Wardens within this Prov-
ince, shall meet (instead of the first Week in December, as by the
said recited Act is directed) for the Election of Inspectors on the
first Week of October in this present Year, and elect Inspectors in
the same Manner as by the said recited Act they are directed to do
in the first Week in December, Seventeen hundred forty and eight.
And whereas the before recited Act is not to commence until the
First Week of December, Seventeen hundred forty and eight, and
that the Justices of the County Courts cannot, in Virtue of the said
Act, proceed to the purchasing of Land to build the Warehouses on,
until some Time in the said Month of December, which might prove
Be it therefore Enacted, That the Justices of the several County
Courts within this Province, or the major Part of them, shall in the