Acts. 163
Month of August next, proceed and execute the said recited Act, as
fully and amply, so far as relates to the purchasing Lands, erecting
Warehouses, Wharfs, Cranes, Prizes and all other Necessaries for
the inspecting Tobacco, as they might have done in the Month of
December aforesaid, in Virtue of the said recited Act notwithstand-
ing any thing in the said recited Act contained to the contrary.
Liber B. L. C.
[Time for
the Justices
to Agree for
for Land,
p. 464
And be it further enacted that the Inspectors shall be allowed by
the several and respective county courts, a Sum not exceeding Four
Pounds Current Money, to enable the said Inspectors to find and
provide Paper, Books and Ink, needful and necessary for each
for Paper,
Ink, &c.]
Provided also, and be it Enacted, That it shall and may be lawful
for any Inspector or Inspectors, having served in that Office, after
he or they are discharged from such Place or Office of Inspector or
Inspectors, to trade, barter, exchange, and buy or sell Tobacco, or
any Goods or Merchandize as if he or they had never served or been
in such Place or Office; Any thing in the said recited Act contained
to the Contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding.
And whereas by the before recited Act the Inspectors Salaries for
the Warehouse at Frederick Town in Caecil County, and at Bohemia
Ferry, are mentioned to be Sixty Pounds each; which are made
appear to be too small ;
with regard
to Inspec-
tors, after
served in
said Office.]
Be it therefore Enacted, That the Inspectors Salaries, for the
Warehouses at Frederick Town, and at Bohemia Ferry in Csecil
County, be increased to Seventy Pounds Current Money to each
Inspector: Any thing in the said recited Act to the Contrary not-
And whereas by the said recited Law it is not provided who shall
take the Bond the Inspectors are to give for the faithful Discharge
of their Duty;
Be it Enacted, That any two Magistrates of the County wherein
the inspecting House, for which the Inspectors shall serve, shall, and
may, and they are hereby authorized and required, to take the same
Bond, and to return it to the next County Court after taking the
same, for the Approbation of the Majority of the Justices in Court
sitting, and the same to be safe kept by the Clerk of the County
amongst the County Records.
[Bond to be
taken by two
This Act to continue until the First Day of December, Seventeen
hundred fifty and three, and no longer.
June 11th 1748
Read & Assented to by
the Lower House of As-
Signed p Order
M Macnemara Cl lo ho.
On behalf of the Right
Honourable the Lord
Proprietary of this Prov-
ince I will this be a Law.
Sam: Ogle
the Great Seal in
wax appendant
11th June 1748
Read & Assented to by
the Upper House of As-
Signed p Order
J Ross Cl Up. Ho.