Acts. 161
stead of four mentioned in the said Act, one of which two Persons
shall be also an Inspector for the Warehouse at Baltimore Town
aforesaid; and that the Warehouse so as aforesaid appointed to be
at Ragland Landing, on Patapsco River, in Baltimore County, be
and is hereby declared to be suppressed; any thing in the aforesaid
Inspection Law contained to the Contrary notwithstanding.
And whereas the Warehouse appointed by this Act to be built at
the Head of a Creek, commonly called Watkins's Creek, issuing out
of West River, on the Land of Thomas Sprigg, in Anne-Arundel
County, happens to be so situated as that it will stand in the outer-
most Bounds of All-hallows Parish, next adjoining to St. James's
Parish, wherein Pig-Point Warehouse will stand. And as those
two Warehouses are by this and the Inspection Law to be under one
and the same Inspection; and that there are two other Warehouses
already fixed by the Inspection Law in the said All-hallows Parish,
it is thought reasonable by this present General Assembly, that the
Vestrymen and Church- Wardens of only one of the said Parishes
should nominate and recommend, as in the said Inspection Law is
directed, the two Inspectors to be appointed to attend the said Ware-
houses on Sprigg's Land and Pig-Point aforesaid ;
Liber B. L. C.
Be it therefore Enacted, That the Vestrymen and Church-
Wardens of St. James's Parish for the Time being, shall be and
they are hereby impowered to nominate and recommend four able
and sufficient Planters, well skill'd in Tobacco, for the Execution of
the Office of Inspectors; two of which Persons so nominated and
recommended shall be appointed Inspectors for the Warehouses
last mentioned; Any thing in the said Inspection Law contained to
the Contrary notwithstanding.
[Vestry, &c.
of St.
Parish to
Choose, &c.]
p. 461
And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the
Justices of Talbot County Court for the Time being, shall be and
they are hereby authorized and impowered to make an Order of
Court for the clearing a Road, in the most convenient Manner, from
a Place called the three Bridges to James Berry's, and from thence
to the main Road that leads to King's Town, and to levy on the
taxable Inhabitants of said County, a Sum not exceeding Six thou-
sand Pounds of Tobacco, and to apply the same towards building a
Bridge or Bridges, at such Place or Places on the said Road, as to
them, or such of them as shall be appointed by the said Court to see
the said Road cleared, shaft be adjudged necessary.
And whereas it is represented and made appear to this present
General Assembly, That most of the Tobacco which will be brought
to the Warehouse appointed by the Inspection Law to be at Bladens-
[Justices of
Talbot to
Clear a
burg, in Prince George's County, will come out of Prince George
Parish in said County ;
Be it therefore Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the
Vestrymen and Church-Wardens of Prince George Parish for the
[Vestry, &c.
of Prince
Parish to
Choose, &c.]