160 Assembly Proceedings, May 10-June 11, 1748.
Liber B. L. C.
on Chester
Be it therefore Enacted by the Authority, Advice and Consent
aforesaid, That the said Warehouse, so as aforesaid appointed to be
at the Widow Clannahawn's, above the Mouth of Morgan's Creek,
on Chester River, be and is hereby directed to be suppressed; any
thing in the aforesaid former Law contained to the Contrary
And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the
Warehouse established by the Inspection Law aforesaid at Matta-
woman Creek, on Benjamin Bullett's Land, in Charles County, he
and is hereby declared to be suppressed; and that in the Room and
and others
Stead thereof, one other Warehouse be and is hereby established to
be at Chickamuxon Creek, on the Land of Henry Moore. And that
one other Warehouse be and is hereby established, and shall be
erected at the Head of Piscataway Creek, on the Land of John
Hawkins, junior, in the Room and Stead of that established by the
Inspection Law aforesaid, at or near Rawlings's Landing, under
the same Inspection with the Warehouse at Broad Creek. And that
one other Warehouse be and is hereby established and shall be
erected at Pamunkey Creek, on the Land of Mr. John Stoddart;
which said Warehouses at Pamunkey and Chickamuxon shall be
under one Inspection, and the Inspectors be allowed for their Salary
Sixty Pounds Current Money per Annum each.
[Justices of
to make
And be it further Enacted, That the Justices of Charles County
Court for the Time being, shall be and they are hereby impowered
and directed to make the necessary Agreements as directed by the
Inspection Law, and to find and provide all Necessaries for the due
inspecting Tobacco, at the Warehouse by this Act to be erected at
Pamunkey Creek, on the Land of Mr. John Stoddart as aforesaid.
And whereas the Warehouse appointed by the Inspection Law to
be at Ragland Landing, on Patapsco River, in Baltimore County,
is represented to this present General Assembly, by sundry of the
Inhabitants of St. Thomas's Parish in said County, to be of little or
no Use to them, for that most Persons, who formerly used to roll
their Tobacco there, have for some Time past carried their Tobacco
to Baltimore Town, where a Warehouse is appointed by the said
Inspection Law to be built ;
Be it therefore Enacted, That the Vestrymen and Church-
Wardens of St. Thomas's Parish, in Baltimore County, be and are
hereby invested with the same Powers and Authorities, mentioned
in the said Act, to nominate and recommend to the Governor or
Commander in Chief of this Province, for the Time being, two able
and sufficient Planters, well skilled in Tobacco, for the Execution
for Balti-
more Town
of the Office of Inspectors; one of which two Persons, so nominated
and recommended, shall be appointed an Inspector for the Ware-
house at Baltimore Town aforesaid. And that the Vestrymen and
Church- Wardens of St. Paul's Parish, in Baltimore County, shall
nominate and recommend as aforesaid, only two such Persons, in-