Acts. 159
Nanticoke, on Thomas Cannon, jun. his Land. In Talbot County,
that the House of William Wilson, as well as that of William Gale
at King's Town, may be used for storing inspected Tobacco, and
that those two Warehouses have but one pair of Scales and Weights ;
at Parsons Landing, on the Land of Capt. James Lloyd, under one
and the same Inspection with that at King's Town, (in the Room
and Stead of those appointed by the Act aforesaid to be at Berry's
Landing on King's Creek, at Barker's Landing, and at Morris
Gideon's Landing in Dividing Creek) That the Houses at Oxford,
belonging to Grundy Pemberton, may be added to Richard Gildars
and used for storing inspected Tobacco, and that the Warehouse at
Broad Creek, on Daniel Sherwood's Land, and those at Oxford, be
Liber B. L. C.
under one and the same Inspection. In Prince George's County, at
a Place called Hannah Brown's Landing, upon Patuxent River, (in
the Room and Stead of that appointed by the Act aforesaid to be at
or near Truman's Point, on Patuxent River) and that the Ware-
house so as aforesaid to be erected at Hannah Brown's Landing, be
under one and the same Inspection with that appointed by the Act
aforesaid to be at Nottingham. In Queen Anne's County, that the
Warehouses appointed by the Inspection Law to be at Charles
Brown's Landing; and at the Head of Corsica Creek, on the Land
of William Hopper, under one Inspection, be and are hereby de-
clared to be under different Inspections; and that the said Ware-
house at William Hopper's be placed at the Millstone Landing; and
that the Warehouse appointed by the Inspection Law to be at the
Church Landing, near Collins's Mill, be placed on the Land of
Richard Porter, jun.
And be it further Enacted, That there shall be paid to the several
Inspectors, to be appointed to attend, in Virtue of this Act, at the
p. 460
several new Warehouses hereby established, the Salaries hereafter
mentioned, (That is to say) To each Inspector for the Warehouse
at Gilbert Mackay's, and at St. Inegoes, in St. Mary's County, under
the same Inspection, Sixty Pounds per Annum each; to each Inspec-
tor at John Llewellin's Warehouse, in St. Mary's County, Thirty
Pounds per Annum; to each Inspector for the Warehouse at the
City of Annapolis, Thirty Pounds per Annum; to each Inspector for
the Warehouse at Charles Brown's Landing, in Queen Anne's
County, Forty five Pounds per Annum; to each Inspector for the
Warehouse at the Head of Corsica Creek, on the Land of William
Hopper, in Queen Anne's County, Forty five Pounds per Annum.
And whereas the Warehouse in Kent County, directed and ap-
pointed by the before-mentioned Act to be erected at the Widow
Clannahawn's, above the Mouth of Morgan's Creek, on Chester
River, is (from the many other convenient Warehouses already
fixed on the said River by the Act aforesaid) thought useless and
unnecessary ;
[Salaries to