158 Assembly Proceedings, May 10-June 11, 1748.
Liber B. L. C.
of Tobacco, pursuant to an Act of Assembly of this Province, enti-
tuled, An Act for amending the Staple of Tobacco, for preventing
Frauds in his Majesty's Customs, and for the Limitation of Officers
Fees, shall be kept at the several Places herein after mentioned,
[In St.
(That is to say) In the County of St. Mary's, on a Plantation where
a certain Gilbert Mackay lives, (in the Room and Stead of that
appointed by the before-mentioned Act, at the Head of St. Mary's
River, at the usual Landing) and at St. Inegoes, on the Land of
[In Kent.]
Stephen Milburn, under one Inspection; at Wiccocomoco, on the
Land of John Llewellin, under one Inspection. In Kent County, at
Worton Creek, on the Land of William Graves, called Buck Neck,
under one and the same Inspection with that appointed by the above-
mentioned Act at Chester Town; In Anne-Arundel County, at the
City of Annapolis under one Inspection; At Elk-Ridge Landing on
Patapsco River, on the Southern Side of the Old Elk-Ridge, or
middle Landing, near to where Thomas Johnson lately dwelt, on
the Land now belonging to Philip Hammond, Esq; under one In-
spection; at the Head of a Creek commonly called Watkins's Creek,
issuing out of West River, on the Land of Thomas Sprigg, (in the
Room and Stead of that appointed by the Act aforesaid, at Thomas
Sprigg's Point, near where the Ships lye in West River) under one
and the same Inspection with that appointed by the Act aforesaid at
Pig-Point on Patuxent River. In Charles County, at Chandler's
Point, on the Land of William Neale, (in the Room and Stead of
p. 459
that appointed by the Act aforesaid, at the Head of Port-Tobacco
Creek, at a Place called Washtank) under one Inspection. In Somer-
set County, at Barren Creek at the Landing commonly called John
Gillis's Landing, (in the Room and Stead of that appointed by the
Act aforesaid, to be at the Head of Barren Creek on Nanticoke
River, on the Land of William Brown) and at Green Hill Town,
near the Church at Green Hill Town, (in the Room and Stead of
that appointed by the Act aforesaid to be on Wiccocomoco River, at
Day Scott's) under one Inspection. In Dorchester County, at Great
Choptank, on the Land of David Melvill, under one Inspection, (in
the Room and Stead of that appointed by the Act aforesaid to be at
Choptank Bridge, on Peter Rich his Land) at Little Choptank on
the Land of Edward White (in the Room and Stead of that ap-
pointed by the Act aforesaid to be at Little Choptank on Arthur
Whitely's Land.) And that the Warehouse so as aforesaid to be
erected on the Land of Edward White be under one and the same
Inspection with that appointed by the Act aforesaid to be at the
Town of Plymouth on Philips's Land; at Hunting Creek on the
Land of Major Thomas Nevett, (in the Room and Stead of that
appointed by the Act aforesaid to be at the said Creek on Doctor
Murray's Land) and that the Warehouse so as aforesaid to be
erected on the Land of Major Thomas Nevet, be under one and the
same Inspection with that appointed by the Act aforesaid to be at