Acts. 157
An Act to enable Mrs. Sarah Hollyday, Executrix of James
Hollyday, Esq; deceased, to pay the Money therein mentioned.
Whereas upon Consideration of the Case of Jonas Green, of the
City of Annapolis, Printer, that upon his first coming into this
Province in the Years 1738 and 1739, Bills passed both Houses of
Assembly for giving him the said Jonas Green, a Salary of Three
hundred Pounds for both Years, of which Sum there hath been
hitherto paid him only the sum of One hundred and twenty Pounds,
as appears; and forasmuch as Mrs. Sarah Hollyday, Executrix of
James Hollyday, Esq; late Treasurer of the Eastern Shore, hath in
her Hands Money by him the said James received as Treasurer
aforesaid ;
Liber B. L. C.
No. 23
p. 458
Be it Enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary, by
and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's Governor, and
the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the Authority of
the same, That the said Mrs. Sarah Hollyday, Executrix of James
Hollyday, Esq; shall, and do, and she is hereby impowered and
directed, to pay unto the said Jonas Green, his Executors, Adminis-
trators or Assigns, the Sum of One hundred and eighty Pounds
Current Money; which said Sum shall be allowed to her the said
Sarah Hollyday as Executrix aforesaid, as so much paid for the
Use of the Public of the Province of Maryland, out of the Money
so by him the said James Hollyday received as Treasurer aforesaid,
upon producing the Receipt or Discharge of him the said Jonas
Green, his Executors, Administrators or Assigns, for the said Sum
of One hundred and eighty Pounds Current Money.
[Mrs. Holly-
day to pay
180 1. to
Jonas Green,
out of the
June 11th 1748.
Read & Assented to by
the Lower House of As-
Signed p Order
M. Macnemara Cl lo Ho.
On behalf of the Right
Honourable the Lord
Proprietary of this Prov-
ince I will this be a Law.
Sam: Ogle
the Great Seal in
wax appendant
11th June 1748
Read & Assented to by
the Upper House of As-
Signed p Order
J Ross Cl Up Ho.
An Act for altering and establishing certain Warehouses, and for
other Purposes therein mentioned.
No. 24
Whereas many of the Inhabitants in several Counties of this
Province, by their humble Petitions to this General Assembly, have
prayed, that Warehouses already appointed might be changed, and
others appointed more commodious for the Inhabitants, contiguous
to the respective Places prayed for; which being thought reason-
able, it is humbly prayed that it may be Enacted ;
And be it Enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprie-
tary, by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's Gov-
ernor, and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the
Authority of the same, That public Warehouses for the Inspection
[Fixing of