September 5
Red Book
No. S
No. 61
[]. Henry Jr. to His Excellency Thos Sim Lee Esquire]
Dear Sir Majr Giles has a warrant from the Board of war for
a number of Articles, which I am in hopes will cloath his troops
tolerably well for the present. He is still in this Town where I have
advised him to stay untill he has secured his Clothing, which is in
the Store at Camp. He will not be wanting at camp immediately,
as I am afraid all hopes of offensive operations against N. York
is entirely frustrated by the want of a superior naval force, the Gen-
eral has discharged the militia of this and other States, partly from
the cause above, but principally for the want of provisions. The
Army has been for some Days without meat and has only depended
upon the gleanings of the neighbouring Country which is now en-
tirely exhausted. Flour is from day to day scantily supplied, and
after a small quantity is gone which the General has drawn from
West point there is not another Barrel nearer than Trenton. It is
in vain to veil our situation, the Army must disband, unless other
states will do as Maryland has done; If Laws taking the surplus of
provisions were passed in some States relief might be given. The
Generals Letter upon the present state of the Army is a circular one,
and I presume you have it before now. All the provisions, that have
been procured ought to be forwarded as soon as possible. This
subject I flatter myself will engage your Excellency's and the Coun-
cil's Attention
The plates for the new Emissions meet with great delays. It was
with some difficulty that we procured metal proper for them. The
workmen who have undertaken it, has made little progress in the
Business and is now very unwell, so that I can give no certain infor-
mation when you may expect them.
The papers respecting Col. Hollinsworth will be sent forward by
to Days post; your Letter and the Colonels on that subject I put into
September 6
Brown Book
No. 1
Letter No. 40
(G. W.'s
Letter of
May 25),
VII, p. 50,
Ford VIII,
p. 284),
Aug. 27
(Ford VIII,
p. 400) and
Act 27
(Ford VIII,
p. 502) are
found in
Brown Book
No. 1,
Letters 33,
37, and 38
the Hands of a Gentlemen & the Treasury
The British Fleet has left Rhode Island and are on their return
to N. York. It is said a number of empty transports are ready for
some purpose, but what is not yet known.
Mr Hanson has been very unwell for a week past and of course
the State unrepresented. It is now a very critical Time, and I wish
not to be alone. I have wrote to Messrs Jenifer and beg you will do
the same, urging the necessity of his attendance.
[George Washington to T. S. Lee]
Letter printed by Sparks VII p 186 with the following changes:
" lately raised " altered to " enlisted to serve during," " of your
State " add after " recruits " and " or of how extensive a nature it
is " omitted after " late disaster." The letter was written upon re-
ceipt of news of Gates's defeat.