I shall always be happy in receiving & obeying any Directions
your Excellency & the honourable Board may please to honour me
[Isaac Perkins Kent County to Gov Lee]
Sir I have received your Circular Letter of August last; before
the receipt of which I had Applied to every person in this County
I thought likely to lend Specie Continental Money or Tobacco with-
out effect for all Money as well as Tobacco is Very scarce in this
County and those few that would lend Continental money is detered
from it by the Apprehention of a further Depreciation. I have called
on Mr Lethrburry for his Subscription money when he said that
some Gentleman whoe owed him Double the sum subscribed had
promised, to pay the Whole into the Treasurer on his Account which
he expected was done, if the people could be Allowed the priviledge
of paying thier two next Assessments in wheat at Current price
(which at present is 25£ pr bushel, believe a number of persons in
this County would doe it Imediately.
September 5
Red Book
No. 26
No. 28
September s
[Horatio Gates Hillsborough to His Excellency
Thomas Sim Lee Esqr]
Sir By a Resolve of Congress, which your Excellency must have
seen, I am authorized to call upon your State for Supplies, for the
Southern Army. The State of Things here, having made it neces-
sary, I have drawn on you, in favor of Colo Thomas Polk, dated
the 14th Ultimo for One Hundred Thousand Pounds Lawful Money
of Virginia, and the Paymaster General Joseph Clay Esqr by my
Direction hath also drawn two other Bills, Payable to Peter Mallett
Esqr for Three Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars, all of which
I hope will be paid. These Sums are to pay for Provisions already
furnished the Army, and without these Gentlemen are enabled to
comply with their Contracts, the Business of Supply will go on but
heavily. I have in giving of, and ordering Draughts to be given,
divided my Demands in due Proportion between your State, and
the States of Virginia and North Carolina. Our prospects for re-
newing the operations against the Enemy, brighten, and I have no
Doubt, being aided by the patriotic Exertions of the Southern
States: we shall yet recover the State of South Carolina, in a Short
Time. You will receive under cover from the Governor of Virginia
my Letter of this Date to Congress, with the Inclosures, under a
flying Seal, which you will be pleased to read seal up, and forward
on to Congress, as soon as possible, as soon as it can be done with
accuracy a Return of the brave Maryland troops, remaining after
the Action of the 16th Ulto. shall be forwarded.
September 5
Brown Book
No. 8
No. 26