305, 441, 540, 586, 6/6, 677.
Johannes, 25, 26, 540, 674.
Loans, 365, 563. Paper, 5, 26,
331, 441, 484, 49i, 619, 629,
638, 639, 643, 655, 674. Con-
tinental, 79, 82, 97, 115, 126,
148, 157, 160, 166, 1 68, 170,
198, 203, 206, 217, 223, 227,
229, 231, 236, 239, 254, 267,
277, 279, 288, 290, 294, 305,
314, 322, 361, 377, 37«, 382,
397, 499- New Emission, 60,
82, 86, 93, et seq.; paper and
plates for printing, 80, 256,
379, 480, 490; sent to counties,
644; subscribers and associa-
tors for support of, 510;
supervisors of printing and
signing, 605; red, 6/6. Silver,
2.6, 441, 676. Soft, 674; Span-
ish dollars, 403. Specie, 79,
96, 177, 256, 258, 279, 370, 371,
393, 415, et seq.
Monnohon, Thomas. 646.
Montgomery (Mongomery),
Dr., 98; Ignatius, 572; Wil-
liam, 210, 251.
Montgomery County, 25-27, 38,
87, 147, 149, 220, 224, 238, 255,
267, 299-302, 307, 311, 320,
321, 334, 3S8, 380, 384-386,
396, 404, 455, 459, 460, 462,
467, 468, 475, 476, 478, 495,
544, 550, 590 591, 593, 598,
602-605, 615, 623, 645, 662,
660; see also Beall, Brooke ;
Griffith, Charles Greenbury;
Murdock, John; Richardson,
Thomas; George Town.
Moore (More), Capt., 486;
Ens., 97; Charles, 287; David,
632; James, 63; John, 607 ;
Nicholas Ruxton, 387, 416,
468, 485, 487, 494, SOT, 636;
Thomas, 433; William, 492,
508, 642.
Moore, \Vilson and Hopkins,
Morgan, General, 341; Benj.,
506; David, 332; William,
299, 616.
Moran, Lt, 97, 310.
Morris, —— , 571; Capt. 98; Lt,
444; John 224, 514; Jonathan,
412, 414, 500, 502, 558;
Robert, 229, 236, 259, 350, 432,
588, 589, 594; Thomas, 15;
William, 224, 654.
Morrison, John, 329; William,
Morristown (N. J.), 78, 100,
110, 151, 180.
Mortirnore, Thomas, 220.
Morton, Thomas, 256.
Moss, Nathan, 411; Robert, 359,
Motherspaw, Philip, 656.
Mound, William, 657.
Monrer, Nicholas, 220.
Mudd, Dr., 562; Hezekiah, 569.
Muig, —— , 550.
Muir (Mure), —— , 167, 223,
234, 275, 295, 495, 445, 463,
487, 554, 573, 589, 599, 60 1 ;
Capt., 98; Adam, 192; John,
65, 203, 260, 310, 437, 476, 486,
488, 491, 496, 611, 631, 655,
656, 657.
Mulatoes, enlistment of, 24; see
also Negroes.
Mullikin, James, 22].
Mumford, Matthew, 9.
Munroe (Monro), Capt., 98,
Daniel, 219, 230, 239, 240, 259,
272, 289, 294, 310, 332, 363,
391, 412, 421, 458, 497, 565.
Murdock, —— , 203, 204, 239,
269, 279, 300, 306, 309, 320,
357, 359, 375, 389, 663, 664;
Capt., 100; Col., 149, 411;
Ens., 98; Lt, 500; Benj., 55,
444; George, 12, 191, 237, 238.
249, 250, 256-258, 264, 266,
267, 274, 299, 305, 319, 339,
340, 387, 388, 410, 421, 436,
437, 461, 463, Soi, 538, 6.S9,
660, 662; John, 25, 311, 334,
384-386, 391, 404, 427, 464,
481, 492, 557, 662; William,
269, 272, 424, 464, 497, 512,
Murdock and Baley, 148.
Murdock and Thompson, 313.
Mure, see Muir.
Murphy, Daniel, 526; Elizabeth,
626; Gerard, 329; Henry,
5/2; James, 249.
Murray, Capt., 341; Alexander,
341; James, 223, 254, 275,
276, 303, 340, 347, 361, 379,
384, 413, 466, 496, 514, 520,
533, 581, 596, 605, 631, 633,
642, 646, 647, 652-655.
Muschett, see Maschett.
Muse, Capt., 97.
Music, i; see also drums, fifes,
Mustard, 354.
Musquets, 27, 28, 47, 49, 89, 152,
187, 202, 241, 243, 256, 274,
281, 289, 292, 294, 296, 297,
321, 322, 341, 347, 359, 360,
37^-373, 375, 384 ,187, 389, 390,
393, 395, 400, 401, 413, 432,
456, 481, 516, 534, 658, 672.
Mutiny, 539.
Mutton. 283.
Myers, Christian, 474.
Naff, John, 123.
Nagal, Philip, 653.
Nails, 23, 238, 305, 306.
Nancy, see Vessels.
Nanticoke River, 31, 129.
Napkins, 674.
Nash, Tarply, 548.
Nautilus, see Vessels.
Naval Commissions, 452.
Naval Officers, 130, 161, 192,
234, 244, 245, 252, 322, 382,
Navarro, Diego Job., 146.
Neale (Neill), Francis, 667;
James, 582, 608; John, 280 ;
William, 208, 229, 568; Wil-
liam Francis, 676; William
& Company, 283.
Neary, John, 312, 354.
Necessity, see Vessels.
Need, Christopher, 566.
Negroes, 38, 61, 105, 106, 113,
125, 127-129, 161, 162, 173,
233, 285, 303, 316, 323, 356,
359, 419, 428, 435, 446, 473,
490, 556, 634, 651, 677; enlist-
ment of, 24; execution of,
104; proposed regiment of,
Neister, Frederick, 656.
Nelms, Edmund N., 10.
Nelson, Ens., 97; Gov. of Va.,
608, 609, 621, 628, 659; John,
657; Roger, 282-284; 355, 5-'6,
527, 638.
Newell, William, 656.
Nesbitt, John, 350, 432.
Nesbitt, see Vessels.
Nevin, William, 549.
Newburgh (N. Y.), no.
Newbury, Joseph, 569; Wil-
liam, 642.
Newby, John, 657.
New Castle (Del.), 170, 300,
Newcomer, Henry, 467, 469.
New Garden (N. C), 374.
New Hampshire, 150.
New Jersey, 150, 151, 429;
First Jersey Regiment, 573.
Newly, John, 635.
Newman, Bexley, 465.
New Market (Va.), 152.
Newport (R. I.), 347.
Newport Mills, 86, 149.
New Providence (Camp of Md.
Troops), 167; Bahama
Islands, 101, 130, 160, 162, 163,
234, 322, 383, 635.
Newton (Newten), Nimrod,
578; Willis. 492: Zachariah.
New York, 40, 58, 78, 80, 128,
150, 170, 171, 1 86, 214, 254,
270, 271, 273, 277, 285, 311,
323, 327, 399, 429-432, 440,
442, 461, 480, 495, 523, 554,
608, 618, 638, 656; City, 321,
350, 658.
Newspapers, 648.
Nichodemus, Conrad, 165, 220 ;
Henry, 656.
Nicholas, Joseph, 123.
Nicholls, John Hammond, 385,
396, 640, 641; Simon, 307, 437,
676; Thomas, 396.