Nicholson, Col., 225; Commo-
dore, 350, 35 1, 354, 360, 362,
363, 375; Serj., 341, 530, 658;
Benj., 42, 118, 130, 231, 459,
J, Jr., 58.
Nicola, Col., 29.
Night stool, 638.
Niven, William, 437.
Noel Septimus, 555.
Noland, Patrick, 398, 661.
Noland's Ferry, 353, 357.
Nollart, Capt, 405; Philip, 405.
Non jurors, 34, 44, 81, 107, 108,
217, 563.
Norris, —— , 593; Lt, 98;
Henry, 656; Jacob, 529. 530,
585; John, 661; Martin, 255,
284-286, 415, 595.
North Carolina, 79, 169.
North River (N. Y.), 40, [51.
Norwood, Edward, 548.
Nottingham, 4, 472; company,
Nowell, Thomas, 200.
Oars, 32, 632.
Oath of Allegiance (or Fidel-
ity), 64, 71, 72, 74, 466.
Oats, 108, 204, 205.
O'Reyan (O'Rrian. O'Brien),
James, 62, 224; William, 311.
Octarara Hundred, 475.
O'Donald, Rocrer, 598.
Ofeild, John, 50.
Ogle, Benjamin, 268, 445. 479;
James, 656.
Ogle's Mill, 448.
Oglevie, John, 466, 489.
O'Hara, James, 296, 297, 423,
Old Town, 169.
Oldham, Capt., 98; Richard,
Oliver, William, 569, 657.
Oneal, Daniel, 598, 642.
Onions, 354.
Oran, Henry, 547.
Orange County Court House
(Va.), 114, 115.
Ordnance stores, 523.
Ordinary Licenses, 112.
Orendorff, —— , 470; Capt.,
.469: Christian, 467; Chris-
topher, 220, 619, 620; Henry,
Orme, Archibald, 149; Heze-
kiah, 634.
Orphans' Court, 224, 225, 293,
382, 528, 618, 661.
Orrick, Thomas, 411.
Osborne, Samuel Groome, 375 ;
Syrus, 375.
Otho, see Vessels.
Ott, Adam, 368, 440, 443, 464,
575, 576-
Overalls, 61, 78, 81, 100, 110,
299, 312, 323, 324, 327, 329,
332, 333, 335, 348, 349, 352,
353, 354, 359, 371, 84, 398,
414, 449, 463, 496, 500, 504,
509, 5J4, 523, 553, 557, 559,
566, 572, 573, 574, 628, 656.
Owens, Benjamin. 277; Charles,
6/6; Henry, 277; Jacob, 179 ;
Nathaniel, 565.
Owings, John C., 650; Thomas,
Ownen, Patrick, 646.
Oxen, 605.
Oxford, 194.
Oznaburgs, 65, 70, 143, 432, 476,
557, 598.
Paca, —— , 724, 160, 400, 631 ;
William, 326, 675.
Packet boats, 596, 634.
Page, John, 222, 449.
Page's Warehouse (Va.), 454,
456. 458.
Paper, 258, 314, 352, 354, 379,
410, 437, 440, 518, 584.
Paper Money, see Money.
Pardons, 297.
Parker, Capt., 627; Edward,
465; Jonathan, 95, 214, 215,
255, 282, 363, 381, 391, 392,
405, 411, 419, 435, 497, 498,
505, 527, 553, 607, 655; Robert,
589; Scarborough, 353, 577;
Selby, 457-
Parker, Davis and Coulter, 411.
Parks, John, 492, 569.
Parnham, John, 379.
Paroles, 227, 423, 425, 562, 635,
Parramore (Parrimore), John.
48, 225, 577.
Parran, John, 173; Richard,
Parsons, John, 297.
Passbeach, Benjamin, 598.
Passports, 63, 227, 242, 254, 285,
321, 322, 350, 382, 383, 410,
433, 53, 598, 618, 622, 629,
631, 658.
Patapsco Neck, 399, 400; River,
251, 252, 254, 352, 399, 400.
Patten, Major, 531.
Patterson, Capt., 41; Basil, 643 ;
James, 220; William, 358.
Pattison, James. 443, 576.
Patrick, John, 644.
Patuxent, 31, 210, 448, 485;
River, 10, 30, 71, 77, 173, 211,
217, 247-249, 258, 273, 376,
418, 419, 483, 537, 539, 562;
tobacco warehouse, 203.
Paupers, 32; see also Poor
Payne, John, 4 27.
Peabody, Nathaniel, 180.
Peale, James, 559.
Pearce, Philip, 159.
Peary, Capt., 118.
Peas, 204-206.
Pecker, Charles, 411; George,
Pendcrgast, Ens., 98.
Pennsylvania, 96, 123, 142, 150,
320, 373, 374, 452, 454-457.
462, 660; 8th Regiment, 46 ;
Line, 342; Navy, 531.
Penny, Capt., 562, 635.
Perkins, Isaac, 79, 134, 135, 282.
Perkins Ferry, 251.
Perry, John, 423.
Peters, Richard, 21, 120, 669.
Petersburgh (Va.), 96, 97, 118,
185, 270.
Petitions and memorials, 160-
164, 168, 170, 171, 179, 209,
234, 235, 547, 551, 578, 598,
627, 653, 673. 6/6.
Pettit, Edward, 9.
Pewter, 510; buttons, 295;
plates, 674.
Peyton, Valentine, 201.
Phearson, Joseph, 361.
Philadelphia, 6, 9, 13, 15, 29, 40,
43, 54, 59, 67, 69, 73, 78, 82,
90, 94, 96, 100, 108, 110, 112,
134, 138, 142, 150, 169, 170,
1 86, 1 88, 189, 209, 214, 229,
256, 259, 276, 280, 283, 292,
3i3, 315, 316, 350, 354, 396,
432, 433, 442, 445, 450, 461,
458, 462, 463, 472, 483, 488,
500, 538, 583, 593, 636, 648.
Philpot, Benj., ,307.
Philips (Phillips), Genl., 383;
Alexander, 385, 386; James.
42, 575; Nathan, 489; Su-
sanna, 655.
Philson, Serj., 345.
Physicians, Surgeons and Sur-
geon's Mates, see Anderson,
James, Jr.; Boyd, —— ;
Brownson, Nathan; Carrol,
——; Clagett, Samuel; Craik,
James; Davidson, ——; Den-
wood, Levin; Egan, John
Reader; Goodwin, Lyde ;
Haney, ——; Harrison,
Elisha; Horner, Gustavus ;
Houston, ——; Howard,
Ephraim; Jenifer, Daniel ;
Kilty, William; Lyles, —— ;
Marshall, Thomas; Mcllenry,
——; Mud, —— Murray,
James; Pindell, ——; Quynn,
William; Roberson, —— ;
Rogers, W.; Ross, —— ;
Schenebely, Henry; Scott,
Upton; Smith, ——; Smith,
Alexander; Steuart, —— ;
Sullivan, ——; Thomas, —— ;
Tootell, Richard; Troup,
——; Wallace, Michael ;
Warfield, ——; Watts, Wil-
liam; Wiesenthal, Charles
Frederick; Winder, —— ;
Wood, Gerard.
Pick axes, 625, 632, 637, 644.
Pickaroons, 31, 181, 246, 258,
Pickering, Timothy, 56, 72.
Pierpoint, Francis, 381.