620, 649, 652. Fifth, 291, 294, 1
296, 327, 329, 332, 341, 349,
353, 359, 377, 442, 481, Soo-
504, 506, 509, 526, 558, 585,
622, 626, 628, 631. 641, 658.
Sixth, 222, 249, 265, 269, 271,
282, 299, 333, 348, 367, 375,
426, 457, 464, 467. Seventh,
228, 229, 237, 284, 291, 203,
205, 299, 302, 307, 325, 336,
338, 345, 347, 340, 357, 359,
4T2, 414, 452, 457, 490, 609.
I:ir.tt Battalion, 661. Second
Brigade, 553. Third Regt.
Light Dragoons, 48r, 518,
662. Regiment Extraordinary
(Additional, Extra or New
Regiment), 5, 8, 13, 14. 25,
26.' 20, 33, 35, 36, 39, 45, 47,
50, 56. 60, 62, 1 08, 114, 115,
T2I, 122, 128, 134, 142, 241,
2-O, 253, 204, 302, 308, 323,
325, 332, 334-336, 347, 349,
356, 360, 367, 370, 371, 444,
445. 471, 604.
Maschatt (Muschett), John, 53,
546, 635.
Masfield, —— , 132.
Mason, Capt, 98; Ens., 97 ;
George, 550, 673, 674, 675;
John, 550, 673, 674, 675; Rich-
ard, 200; Thomas, 284, 285,
457. 509, 525, 576.
Massachusetts Bay, 150, 313.
Massey, Cant., 36: Eliazer, 465;
James, 465; John, 9, 424.
Mast, 101.
Masters, —— , 382; John Gor-
don, 194; Leigh, 101, T02, 110,
130, 135, 143, 1 60, 162, 164,
234, 235, 244, 245, 322, 383.
Mastin, Francis, 280.
Matapony, see Vessels.
Matapony, 48.
Match rope, 259, 274.
Matompkin (Va.), 3.
Matrosses, see Artillery.
Matthews (Mathews), —— , 90,
95, 102, 116, 286, 531; Francis,
540; George, 361; John, 180;
Rosana, 622; William, 288.
Matthews and Smith, 94.
Mattingly, Ifnatius, 657; Luke,
Mattox, Babel, 675.
Mattresses, 275, 276, 638.
Maxwell, —— , 76; James, 561 ;
John, 162.
May, Hannah, 214, 242, 275, 308,
348, 392, 432, 498, 503, 555,
611, 647, 666; Henry, 516.
Maybury (Mayberry), Capt.,
478; Beriah, 231, 275, 385,
479, 667.
Maynard, Samuel, 345, 588.
Mayo, Joseph, 438.
Mears, Zadock, 27.
Meat, 19, 42, 45, 62, 80, 103, 107,
116, 151, 163, 168, 194, 199,
208, 238, 306, 337, 338, 343,
344, 346, 354, 365, 673; see
also bacon, beef, pork, et.
Mechlenburgh (N. C.), 89.
Medicine, see Drugs.
Medicine Chests, 487, 581.
Melott, Peter, 220.
Memorials, see Petitions and
Mene, —— , 58.
Merchant, John, 489.
Meredith, John, 638, 640, 66l.
Merikcn, Maj., 351, 352, 354,
359, John, 600, 608; Joseph,
359, 361, 520.
Meroney, Philip, 318.
Merryman, John, Jr., 224;
Nicholas, 662.
Messengers to Governor and
Council, 309; see also Fowler,
Jubb; Keith, Robert.
Methodism, 23.
Michel, see Mitchell.
Middleton, —— , 190; Capt., 191,
206, 436, 468, 483, 485; Gil-
bert, 54, 194, 218, 223, 226,
254, 266, 267, 284, 289, 312,
321-324, 326, 360, 362, 366,
375, 401, 416, 420, 422, 432,
436, 448, 449, 466, 514, 530,
536; Joseph, 247, 259, 266,
337, 370, 511, 512, 594; Theo-
dore, 367, 414, 418; Wm., 83,
85, 194, 216, 218, 233, 251, 254,
255, 273, 274, 280, 297, 298,
3M, 315, 326, 336, 347, 352,
366, 385, 423, S", 512, 562,
634, 635. 651, 652.
Milburn, Joseph, 640; William,
Miles, Henry, 224; Jacob, 569;
John, 577; Nicholas, 569;
Robert, 312, 334, 353, 361, 371,
422, 504.
Miles River, 589, 591.
Milhaut, Peter, 495.
Militia, 10, 24, 27-29, 31, 32, 35,
39, 41, 42, 45, 47, 49, 51, 52,
55, 68, 72, 74, 78, 80, 86, 92,
94, 118, 123, 125, 134, 135,
159, 164, 165, 1 68, 176, 195,
217, 220, 223, 225, 241, 256,
265, 276, 277, 280, 284, 289,
291, 297, 298, 307, 312, 314,
320-322, 324, 335, 344, 352-355,
360, 361, 367, 375, 376, 378,
379, 384-391, 393, 400, 401,
403, 405, 407-413, 415, 4i7,
422-426, 429, 438, 443, 447,
448, 452-457, 462, 465, 466,
471-473, 479, 486, 488, 489,
490-492, 496, 501, 502, 504,
506, 507, 525, 527, 536, 537,
543-544, 547, 552, 555, 561-564,
566, 568, 573, 577, 579, 597,
605, 616, 621, 649, 651, 662,
665, 670, 671, 675; aid in col-
lecting taxes, 301-303; classes
and class money, 23, 39, 50,
63, 89, 91, 99, 127, 140, 152,
154, 356, 433, 453, 466, 502,
5!6, 535, 540, 586; discharge
of, 438, 475, 596; fines, 403,
416, 441, 539, 564, 627, 664,
666, 667; on duty, 71, 129, 155,
157, 173, '82, 195, 201, 225,
227, 236, 238, 241, 270, 300-
302, 320, 357, 358, 372; or-
dered into service, 33, 36, 384,
386, 404, 455, 459, 460, 467-
470, 542, 560, 578, 586; select,
368, 369, 373, 382, 396, 402,
439, 440, 445, 455, 459, 464,
4.66, 475, 482, 486, 488, 492,
493, 535, 538, 540, 542, 550,
557, 567, 572, 575, 577, 597,
618, 628, 638, 640, 650, 660;
signals of, 378-380; zeal of,
394; see also Artillery; Coun-
ty Lieuts.; Drafts; Light
Horse; Military Service, dis-
charge and exemption from;
Military Service, discharges and
exemptions from, 39, 416, 466,
631, 646, 647, 652-657, 661-664,
666, 667.
Miller, Adam, 653; Andrew,
466; Benj., 466; John, 657;
Josias, 445.
Millinglon, Allemby, 618.
Mills, —— , 423, 559; Cornelius,
503; James, 156; John, 290,
408, 409, 422, 426, 558, 6 1 6,
617, 628, 654; Joseph, 657;
Richard, 10.
Mills and Millers, 31, 32, 53, 61,
66, 67, 86, 87, 94, 95, 102, 114,
116, 124, 125, 137-140, 147,
149, 154, 157, 158, 165, 167,
168, 191, 194, 195, 210, 211,
239, 251, 262, 292, 380, 448,
497, 546, 624, 630, 635, 675,
Milstead, John, 291.
Minex, Charles, 446.
Minor, Peter, 310.
Mister, Stephen, 489.
Mitchell (Michel), —— , 52;
Capt., 97, 500; John, 13, 268,
370, 371, 393, 432, 453, 464,
47o, 479, 497, 508, 522, 575,
5/6, 583, 602, 644, 663; John
Pope, 225; Josiah, 225.
Mitter, Stephen, 14, 178.
Moale, John, 224.
Mole, Col., 42.
Moles, John, 84.
Mollohan, —— , 483, 543.
Molly, see Vessels.
Mommouth (N. J.), 18.
Money, 25, 271, 417, 434, 599;
exchange rate of gold, silver
and paper, 677; guineas, 674 ;
Hard, 33, 619, 636, 674; hard
dollars, 577. Gold, 26, 255,