McAllister, John, 225.
Macamson's mill, 251.
McBrydwe (McBride), —— , 8,
232; William, 7, 20, 206, 232,
233, 277, 279, 301, 384, 462,
532. 533, 648.
McCallister (Clallister), Capt,
97; Archibald, 243, 253, 254,
272, 327, 370, 371, 497; James,
492, 577
McCan, Francis, 569.
McCancllcss. John, 607.
McCarter, William, 171.
McCarthy, Dennis, 273.
McCarty, James, 526.
McClain (McC'ainc), Francis,
50; John, 10.
McClellan (McCleland), John,
574, 575; Nathaniel, 495-
McClcmmy, William, 672.
McClintock. Joseph, 652.
McCleod, —— , 69, 70.
McClostcr, John, 575.
McComas, P.dward Day, 420;
James, 245.
McCowlitt, John, 520.
McCown, Samuel, 466.
McCoy (McKoy), Ens., 98;
John, 4.8; Perry, 220.
Maccubbin (Mackubin), —— ,
631; Capt., 428, 439; James,
240, 364, 375, 524, 659; John
C., 359, John Cray, 537; John
Henry, 633; Nicholas, 427,
439, 509, 520, 546, 613; Nicho-
las, jr., 224, 233, 479.
McCurty, Andrew, 256.
McDole, Jesse, 657.
McDonald. Charles, 569.
McElvin, Benjamin, 657.
McFadon, James, 218, 2ig, 266;
John, 266, 414, 419.
McGec, —— , 7.
Macgill, Patrick, 202.
McGiven, Ens., 97.
McGlaughlin, —— , 90.
McGowan, John, 566.
McGuire, James, 465; Hugh,
Me Hard, —— , 415, 6o.s; Isaac,
328, 410, 479, 496, 632.
McHcnry, James, 288, 339, 350,
358, 536, 54i, 543, 544, 554-
Mackall, Col., 71; Benj., 33,
423; Benj. 4th, 134, 141, 272;
John, 115, 421, 426; Sarah,
McKay, Job", 206, 296.
McKenny, John, 548; Reuben,
McKey, James, 466; William,
McKim, Alexander, 220.
McKnight, Michael, 526.
McKoy, see McCoy.
McLachlan, Thos., 474.
McLane (McLain, McLean),
A., 318, 366, 370, 414. 422. 428.
430, 437; Alien, 278, 283.
McLauglin, Hugh, 666; Wil-
liam, 203, 222, 335, 393.
McLure, John, 247, 495.
McMachen (McMechen), Da-
vid, 643, 677-
McMullan, —— , 545.
McNamara (McNemara),
George, 82; Nicholas, 240,
McNaughton, Capt., 2.
McNeale, John, 656.
McPherson, Capt., 97; Lt., 500;
Maj., 395, 396, 494; Alex-
ander, 307; Mark, 345, 429,
505. 515, 516, 535, 580; Sam-
uel, 268, 304, 428, 429, 502,
McRess, George, 581.
McWilliams, Lt., 531.
Madding, Joseph, 566.
Maddox (Maddux), George,
569; Babel, 550, 674.
Madrid, Spain, 133.
Maffet (Maffit), "Samuel, 465,
466, 563.
Magazines, 1, 11, 523, 554.
Magill, Thomas, 224.
Magistrates, 200, 465, 474.
Magothy River, 635.
Magruder, —— , 69, 70, 199; Lt.,
60, 556; Alexander Howard;
224, 367; Charles, 25, 415;
Edward, 63; Nathaniel Beall,
242, 243, 421; Samuel Wade,
25; Wm., 225, 367.
Mahan, Michael, 598.
Mahoney, William, 148.
Mail pillion, 540. 550.
Main, James, 280.
Maines, Peter, 635.
Malett and Larage, 58.
McBridge, Samuel, 526.
Mallett, Peter, 79, 307.
Malloy, Roger, 36.
Mangen, Matthew, 426-428.
Mangers. Lieut., 97; Nicholas,
405, 408, 409. 457, 502, 604.
Mann, George. 281, 422, 442,
449, 474; George Vansant,
297. 311, 312.
Manning, John, 280; Nathaniel,
Mansfield, Richard, 595.
Mantz, —— , 550.
Manufacturers, cartouch boxes,
309; gun locks, barrels and
stocks, 240, 241; ramrods,
241; salt making, 48.
Marbury, Capt., 97; Col., 261,
371; Joseph, 89; Leonard,
311, 313; Luke. 224.
Maria, see Vessels.
Ma-rines, 246.
Marion, Francis, 88, 89, 105,
Marlboro, 4, 13, 135.
Mnrlinp, 3?3-
Marlow, Butler, 509.
Maroney (Meroney), —— , 320,
Philip, 318.
Marquees, 514, 517; see also
Marr, William, 526.
Marriott, John, 432.
Marsh, Benjamin, 302; John,
650; Joshua, 159; 650.
Marshall, John, 492, Thomas,
409, 549, 572, 662.
Martain, Capt., 209.
Martin, —— , 67, 501; James,
225; John, 329, 495, 592, 654 ;
Joseph, 653; Luther, 14, 130,
178, 287, 326, 490, 594, 606;
Nicholas, 350, 364.
Martinsburg (Va.), 236, 237.
Maryland, 50, 56, 63, 83; aid
given Washington in southern
campaign, 595, 648; defence-
less condition of, 366; efforts
to relieve distress of Conti-
nental Army, 221, 264, 317;
removal of public records of,
273, 275, 276, 296, 303, 542,
543, 547; terms with priva-
teers, 230; threatened inva-
sion of, 207, 271, 454-456, 542-
544, 550.
Maryland Line, at Battle of
Camden, 100, 294; gallantry
of, 122; list of officers, 97,
98; soldier killed at entertain-
ment to, 582, 647; see also
Troops, Maryland.
Maryland Regiments; First, 50,
228, 229, 240, 243, 249, 285,
291, 294, 299, 302, 304, 312,
314, 323, 324, 327, 329, 332,
334, 336, 344, 345, 348, 349,
352, 354, 362-364, 370, 375,
422, 427, 428, 447, 464, 493,
502, 508, 512, 520, 523, 525,
526, 530, 549, 558, 576, 595.
Sefond, 61, 220, 258, 259, 262,
280, 287, 321, 323, 324, 327,
329, 331, 332, 336, 348, 354,
355, 359, 370, 381, 384, 423,
464, 470, 472, 485, 490, 500.
503-505, 507, 512, 515, 522,
527, 535, 538, 556, 559, 561,
584, 571, 576, 595, 612, 626,
629, 630, 663. Third, 48, 2(8,
219, 228, 232, 239, 240, 259,
262, 282, 291, 299, 304, 323,
332, 341. 345, 347, 37o, 378,
398, 408, 412, 415. 421, 449,
467, 500, 504, 508, 509, 511,
512, 514, 515, 524, 525, 528,
53i, 535. 541. 553. 558, 559,
566, 573, 576, 580-584, 586,
597, 600, 609, 642, 646, 648,
661, 667. Fourth, 235, 262,
271, 307, 308, 323, 337, 347,
381, 414, 433, 434, 435, 438,
446, 464, 481, 482, 485, 486;
496, 498, 502, 503, 508, 509,
520, 322, 355, 505, 536, 574,
575, 586, 600, 601, 608, 600,