Ladles, 3, 259.
Lafayette, Marquis de, 329-331,
334, 33S, 337-339, 342-348, 350-
353, 356, 358, 361, 368, 373,
376, 381, 383, 388, 394-396,
403, 409, 4io, 436, 450, 454,
459, 460, 485, 486, 491, 495,
541, 543, 544, S54, 567, 59'J,
601, 603, 651.
Lamar (Larmar), Lt, 98;
Samuel, 657.
Lamdon, Robert, 128.
Lancaster, John, 280.
Lancaster (Pa.), 78, 353, 357.
Lane, John, 318; Samuel, 618;
Samuel M., 370; Wm., 159,
Laney, John, 628.
Langrage, 568.
Laiisdale, —— , 123, 539, 548;
Capt, 319; Charles-, 244, 522,
646; Thomas, 272, 381, 382,
I^antiss's Mill, 448.
Lard, 308, 409.
Larey (Lary), Dennis, 335',
William, 560.
Larmar, see Lamar.
Laraye and Malelt, 58.
Lattitner, R. B., 600.
Lavascher, Lt., 600, 602, 604.
Laveill, John, 6/6.
Lavingtoii, Garey, 666.
Law, John, 238.
Lawdcr, Rev., 173; James, 173.
Lawman, Ludwick, 526.
Lawrence, John, 225, 498; Peter,
Laws, James, 353.
Lay-field, George, 577; Isaac.
I^ayton, James, 402.
Lead, 51, 53, 130, 152, 169, 182,
223, 225, 227, 232, 257, 321,
371, 301, 400, 425, 456, 472,
489. 584.
Leath, Alexander, 657.
Leather, 421, 422, 442, 620;
breeches, 110, 599, pouches,
Lcathcrbury (Lethrbury), —— ,
79; John, 670.
Lee, —— , 147, 381, 547, 582 ;
Madam, 65; Col., 191, 232,
278, 318, 335, 366, 370, 4H,
422, 428, 436, 437; Maj., 37,
40, 177, 216, 226; Charles, 5 ;
David, 445, 446; George, 224;
Henry, Jr., 18; Richard
Henry, 548; Samuel, 196, 213,
646; Mrs., Thomas Sim, 24.
Lee's Legion, 18, 37, 40, 177,
I, 216, 226, 232, 278, 283,
318, 366, 370, 414, 422, 428,
436, 437, 584, 635, 636, 646,
549, 656.
Lee's Mill, 167.
Leech, Philip, 656.
Leek e, Frank, 224, 408.
Le Gar, —— , 538.
Leigh, George, 262. 264.
Lemaster, Abraham, 417.
Lemmon, Richard, 574, 575,
599; Robert, 224.
Leonard Town, 24, 32, 113, 136,
148, 155, 157; tobacco ware-
houses, 462, 463.
Leslie, General, 293, 454, 473.
Letherman. Michael, 656.
Letters of Marque and Re-
prisals, 35, 58, 211, 220, 229,
236, 257, 269, 272, 274, 281,
283, 322, 350, 340. 430, 432,
499, 485, 492, 495. 634.
Levache, Ensign, 359.
Lewellin's warehouse, 461-463.
Lewis, Isaac, 526; Jonathan,
336; Thomas, 222, 352, 426.
Lewis Town (Del.), 312.
Lewiston, Henry, 324.
Libel, 130.
Liberty, see Vessels.
Library. 677.
Liden, Richard. 27.
Lieutenants of counties; see
County Lieutenants.
Light Horse, troops of, 209, 247.
299, 318, 320, 371, 394, 399,
416, 418, 449-452, 455, 459.
460, 462, 467-460, 475, 477,
485, 487, 491, 493, 528, 530,
541, 543, 544. 579, 587, 591.
601, 603, 606, 633, 636; see
also Lee's Legion; Moore,
Nicholas Rnxton.
Lincoln, see Vessels.
Lincoln, General, 625, 651.
Lindenberger (Lindenbarger,
Lindenhurger), —— , 224;
George, 64, 6/5.
Lindsey, John, 348.
Linen, 16, 18, 46, 54, 59, 70,
71, 96, 121, 129, 134, 137, 142,
168, 218, 223, et seq.; bags,
253; overalls, 81, 97.
Lingan, Capt., 288; James, 260-
262, 283; James Maccubbin.
287, 414, 418.
Lint stocks, 3, 187, 259.
Linthecum, Francis, 415, John.
Liquors, IK); see also brandy,
rum, spirits, whiskey, wine.
Lister, John, 529.
Little, John, 40.
Little Choptank River, 231.
Little Davy, see Vessels.
Little John,. see Vessels.
Livingston, Gov., 429; Henry,
299; Robert, 310.
Lloyd, —— , Mrs., 638; Col.,
372; Edward, 664; Richard,
638; Richard Bennett, 145.
Loan office certificates, n, 66,
Loans, 93, 94, 137, 365, 366, 494,
624-626; married men of Bal-
timore refuse to finance, 7;
see also Ridley, Mathew.
Lockerman, Thomas, 27.
Locory, James, 277.
Logan, Thomas, 492; William,
London (England), 50, 131-133,
144, 145.
j London Town, 577, 594.
Lookout boats, 291, 350.
Loney, —— , 28.
Loney and Hollingsworth, 527.
Long, - —— , 202, Jonathan, 664;
Solomon, 10; Thomas, 92.
Long Island (N. Y.), 37, 261,
430, 431 635.
Longden (Longdon), —— , 279;
John, 245, 253, 447, 501.
Longoon, —— , 254,
Love, Richard, 564.
Loveall, William, 662.
Lovelin, William, 569.
Lowe, Ens., 97; Lt., 500; John,
272; John H., 370; John T.,
24", 506, 507, 534; Samuel,
Lowe's Point, 670, 671, 673.
Lower Battalion of Militia,
Dorchester Co., 492, 577;
Prince George's Co., 472.
Lower Ferry, 54.
Lower Marlboro, 380, 588.
Lowndes, Christopher, 224, 375,
Loyalists, see Tories.
Luckett (Luckitt), Capt., 636;
Ens., 97; Lt., 225, 296, 303,
322; Samuel, 40, 280, 361, 379,
445; Thomas, 223, 226, 277,
280; Thomas H., 321;
Thomas Hussey, 283; Wm.,
Jr., 225.
Luke, Frank, 20.
Lumber (boards, planks, etc.),
18, 305, 306, 430, 431, 433, 439,
Lumber, Thomas, 6/4, 675.
Lumbly, George, 658.
Lunn, Jacob. 466.
Lusby, Jacob, 260, 508.
Lux Darby, 634; George, 64,
224. 416.
Luzerne, Chevalier de la, 13, 15,
16. 186-188, 227, 231, 366.
Lybrant, Christopher, 258 ;
Christian, 350.
Lyday, Simon, 656.
Lyles, —— , 520; Col., 382, 472,
577; Maj., 135, 493; Henry,
260-262, 378; Wm. 224, 633;
Wm. Jr.; 38i.
Lynch, Capt., 98; John, 528-
530; Wm. 291.
Lynch' s Creek (S. C), 103, 104.
Lynn, Capt., 98; Lt., 98; David,
237, 238, 325, 338, 429, 508,
522, 523, 553, 602, 605; John,
272; Valentine, 526.
Lyon, Capt., 535; Henry, 280.