Irish linnen, 97; brig, 71.
Iron, 496, 501, 567, 573; fur-
naces, 34; shot, 371, 372.
Irons, see Handcuffs.
Ironshire, Joseph, 10; William,
Irving, Levin, 670.
Irvington, John, 479; Thomas,
Isaac, William, 325.
Isley, George, 72.
Issabell, Elizabeth, 309, 348, 392,
432, 498, 560, 611, 654;
Robert, 227, 511, 551.
Issuing Commissary, 213, et
seq; see also Crisall, John.
Jack, Samuel, 632.
Jack O'th Lanthorn, see Ves-
Jackets, 78, 100, 299, 311, 327,
335, 336, 349, 361, 514, 527,
566, 573, 653-656.
Jackson, ——— , 90, 49, 130, 182,
206, 233; George, 281, 290,
297; Gilbert, 215; Henry, 54,
117, 220, 224, 225, 232, 673.
Jacobs (Jacob), Capt, 167, 168;
Gabriel, 2, 60, 242, 243, 421 ;
George, 98, 271, 333, 334; L,
98; Jesse, 598, 642; John J.,
265; John Jeremiah, 532 ;
Richard, 655: Samuel, 411;
Zachariah, 411.
Jaffrey, James, 273.
Jails, 24, 33, 49, 71, 72, 74, 76,
179, 264, 312, 320, 385, 427,
435, 449, 473, 492, 635, 660,
Jalap, 430.
James, Capt., 103; Frederick,
336; George, 575.
James River (Va.), 2, 65, 71,
433, 469, 608, 675.
Jameson, —— , 98.
Janes, Sergt, 69.
Jarboe, Robert, 78, 640.
Jefferson, Thomas, Gov. of Va.,
57, 88, 06, 172, 223, 264, 328,
352, 353- 355, 362, 417.
Jeffres, William, 323.
Jenifer, —— , 16, 80, 90, 93, 136,
530, 546; Col., 297; Dr., 136;
Daniel, 21, 28, 122, 123, 135,
137, 173, 245, 281, 462, 476,
301, 307, 344, 557, 600, 601,
613, 635; Daniel of St. Thos.,
316, 120, 121, 240, 366, 419;
Samuel, 426; W. H., 53.
Jenings, Edmund, 145.'
Jersey, 40.
Jesuits Bark, see Drugs.
Jiles, see Giles.
Job, Daniel, 466.
Johns, —— , 66, 87; Aquilla,
244; Richard, 269; Thomas,
107, 149, 220.
Johnson, —— , 157, 203, 487,
495; Capt!, 75; Col., 94;
Governor, 152; Sergt., 354;
Archibald, 348; Baker, 247,
257, 301, 305, 318-321, 405,
444; Benjamin Culbert, 560;
Cornelius, 27; Edward, 618 ;
Horatio, 224; J., Jr., 72;
James, 225, 466, 481; Jere-
miah, 224; John, 3, 14, 92, 259,
2/5, 327, 414, 438; Jos., 133;
Joshua, 131, 145; Nelson, 560 ;
Robert, 348, 509; Thomas, 3,
215, 236, 240, 318, 320, 373,
384, 480, 485, 505; Thomas,
Jr., 216, 217, 234, 250, 285,
309, 328, 332, 411, 406, 508,
518, 541, 565, 571, 585, 614,
621, 655, 661; William, 384,
404, 480, 485, 489.
Johnsons, Messrs., 139.
Joiner, James, 479.
Jones, —— , 87, 125; Capt., 98,
295; Lt, 194; Maj., 405;
Benjamin, 220; Charles, 555 ;
Isaac, 294, 327; J. Paul, 121 ;
John, 10, 52, 62, 396, 466, 598,
651; John Courts, 291, 293,
425, 479, 490, 503, 508, 514,
520, 521; Josiah, 426; Philip,
367: Robinson, 662; Thomas,
2/7. 506, 525; William, 439;
William Kirby, 565.
Jordon, Capt., 97, 635, 636, 649;
Col., 136; Lieut., 531, Jere-
miah, 55, 528; John, 268, 363,
364, 503, 512, 518, 519, 586,
646, 653.
Joy, Capt., 34, 35-
Judges of the General Court,
see General Court.
Judges of the Orphan's Court,
see Orphan's Court.
Jump, Allenby, 28.
Jurors, 533, 676.
Jurymen, 638, 639, 667.
Justice, Elijah, 67.
Justices of the Peace, 64, 224,
225, 293, 318, 413, 566, 618,
Kaine, Edward, 656.
Keane, Hugh, 538.
Keel, Capt, 193.
Keene, Benjamin, 577; John,
577; John Young, 465.
Keeports (Keypolt, Keyport,
Keypot), George P., 3, 7, 8,
11, 20, 49, 60, 64, 65, 94, 120,
142, 157, 187, 223, 245, 246,
250, 260, 270, 271, 284, 295,
307, 309, 314, 333, 339, 356,
365, 371, 377, 382, 395, 398,
400, 413, 414, 418, 420, 429,
434, 447, 456, 459-46t, 406,
574. 575, 582, 584, 587, 589,
591. 599, 600, 606, 611, 626.
Kellam, Edward, 575.
Keller, George, 51.
Kelly, —— , 467, 469; Nicholas,
650; Thomas, 526.
Kenner, —— , 119; James, 219;
Nathaniel, Jr., 84.
Kent, James, 224, 265.
Kent County (Del.), 27.
Kent County (Md.), 19, 25, 32,
42, 56, 59, 62, 79, 124, 133,
194, 217, 224, 251, 281, 297,
334. 371-373, 3/6, 391, 397,
448, 449, 452, 459, 462, 465,
477, 585. 589-592, 603-605, 644 ;
see also Bordley, William ;
Forrester, George Wm. ;
Smith, Thomas; Voorhees,
John; Chestertown; Gedde's
Plantation; Rock Hall; Tur-
ner's Creek.
Kent Island. 88, 130, 191, 203,
638. 643; Ferry, 251, 638.
Kent Point, 615.
Kentucky, 123.
Kephart, Peter, 92.
Kerr (Ker), David, 558; Jacob,
Kerrick, Edward, 576, 579.
Kershner, Martin, 676.
Kettles, see Camp kettles.
Key, —— , 461, 480; John Ross,
225, 256, 299, 541; Philip, 461,
463, 483, 490.
Kiersted, Capt, 194; James, 241,
Kilgore (Kilgour), William,
604, 664.
Killum, Edward, 670.
Kilmer, Francis, 426.
Kilsimer, Francis, 518.
Kilty, Dr., 98, 481; John, 375,
379, 421, 4/8, 481, 514, 5i8,
622, 626; William, 375, 377,
555, 622.
King, —— , 98; Charles, 569;
Daniel, 50; Henry, 611, 612;
John, 266, 272, 291, 310, 332,
367, 412, 429, 500; Richard,
426; Thomas, 575; Wm., 467,
652, 653; Upshal, 14; Upsher,
King's Ferry (N. Y.), 39.
King's Town, 673.
Kinnards, —— , 47.
Kinton, Solomon, 28.
Kirk, Arthur, 644.
Kirkman, Levin, 287, 492, 577.
Knapp, John, 504.
Knaosacks. 81, 385,442, g66.
Knife, 106.
Knowland's Ferry, see Noland's
Knox, General, 613.
Koonce, Philip, 633.
Kreemer (Kramer), —— , 674;
Christian, 549, 673, 674;
Peter, 656.
Kyger, John, 368.
Laborers, 201.
Laceman, Lodawick, 657.
Lacey, —— , 86; John, 149,
Laccy's Mill, 149.