Hinehman, William, 76.
Hinde, John, 649, 676.
Hindman, Col., 141, 164; James,
33, 44, 56, 81, 124, 219, 237,
289; William, 81.
Hines (Hynes), Jacob, 574;
Thomas, 676.
Hoakesly, —— , 410, 418.
Hobb, —— , 134.
Hobson and French, 142, 144,
Hockey, Nicholas, 368.
Hodges, —— , 19; James, 259,
ITodgkin, —— , 303, 582; Thom-
as, 296; Thomas Brooke, 280,
Hodgson, Richard, 474.
Hoffstadler, Henry, 538.
Hogs, 308, 345-
Holbrook, Thomas, 672, 673.
Holden, John, 359.
Holding, James, 465; Richard,
Holker, —— , 306, 313, 314, 315,
3i7, 445-
Holland, 365, 366, 385; linen,
674, 675.
Holland (Hollond), Benjamin,
48; John, 10, 353, 646; N.,
104-106; Nehemiah, 9, 225 ;
William, g.
Holland's Island, 440, 441.
Holliday, Clement, 341.
Hollingsworth, —— , 102, 178,
248, 317, 318, 474; Col., 32, 57,
73, 75, 80, 81, 88, 124, 133, 135,
156, 175, 176,191,202,218,221,
253, 273, 286, 288 293, 315,
33i, 343, 397, 403, 444, 486;
Henry, 3, 6, 7, 17, 36, 74, 76,
85, 107, 108, 113, 126, 143, 184,
186, 192, 196, 209, 210, 213,
217, 245, 250, 253, 271, 292,
337, 384, 402, 406, 448, 45i,
458, 465, 561, 564, 570, 588,
592, 622, 623, 624, 637; Jesse,
28, 49, 207, 237, 244, 247, 248.
Hollingsworth and Loney, 527.
Hollond, see Holland.
Hollyday, Clement, 585, 595!
Henry, 34.
Holmes, —— , 392; William,
Holsters, 536, 549, 550, 587.
Holt, Isaac, 466.
Holton, William, 78.
Homes, William, 509.
Hood, Benjamin, 421, John, 439;
Samuel, 608.
Hooe, —— , 271; Col-, 247, 248,
274, 278, 349, 35o; Robert T.,
65, 70, 245, 291, 448, 495.
Hooke, John, 662; Joseph, 572.
Hooper, Col., 28, 201, 301, 348,
596; Gen., 51; Lieut., 94;
Henry, 31, 152, 179, 398, 578;
James, 159, 492; John, 27,
492; Roger A., 578; Samuel,
578; William, 452; William
Ennalls, 492.
Hooper's Streights, 28, 31, 344,
440, 539-
Hoops, Capt, 98.
Hope, see Vessels.
Hopewell, Col., 41; George,
426; Hugh, 426, 588; Polar'd,
426; William, 8, 225.
Hopkins, —— , 127; Daniel, 371 ;
Daniel & Co., 371, 485 ;
Daniel, Thomas & William
Johnson & Co., 485; Elijah,
229; Elisha, 627.
Hopkins, Wilson & Co., 293.
Hopkins, Wilson & Moore, 286.
Horn Point Fort, 406.
Horner, Gustavus, 435, 436.
Horse pistols, see pistols.
Horse stealing, 297.
Horse, troops of, see Light
Horseman's Tents, 528, 530.
Horses, 5, 27, 34, 44, 57, 63, 81,
88, 96, 107, 108, 113, 125, 126,
137, 143, 147, 151, 153, 172,
175, 1/7, 184, 186, 192, 193,
196-198, 202, 209, 213, 215,
217, 219, 256, 260, 268, 269,
289, 303, 325, 366, 368, 377,
389, et seq.
Horsey, John, 577; Smith, 674.
Hoskins, Joseph, 656.
Hospital Dept., 287; see also
Craik, James.
Hospitals, 88, 100, 108, 207, 245,
308, 348, 364, 409, 424, 435,
439, 451, 514, 515, 524, 530,
549, 572, 58i, 582, 633; surgi-
cal instruments for, 528, 540;
see also Brownson, Nathan ;
Murray, James.
House of Delegates, 137, 146,
267, 447, 510; clerk, 324;
meeting of, 411, 442.
House rent, 443.
Houston (Hewston, Hueston),
Dr., 67, 92; James, 10, 634;
Thomas, 657.
Hover, Daniel, 656.
How, Col, 207.
Howard, —— , 423; Col., 98;
Brice, 224; E., 630; Ephraim,
5, 625, 637, 641; Henry, 159;
James, 402; John Beale, 224 ;
Samuel, 273, 337, 445; Sam-
uel Harvey, 274, 385, 462, 476,
479; Thos. Henry, 385, 419,
Howard and Selby, 280.
Howard's Independent Company
of Militia, Annapolis, 479.
Howell, Capt., 36; William, 480.
Howitzers, 258, 492.
Hudson, —— , 3, 4, 17, 119, 135;
George, 569; J., 14; Jonathan,
7, 19, 20, 25, 36, 58, 84, 120,
170, 203, 272, 408, 437-
Hueston, see Houston.
Huff, Elisha, 335.
Hughes, —— , 102, 143, 341, 400;
Mrs., 629; Daniel, 160, 163,
214, 277, 322, 323, 326, 341,
425; Felix, 675; Mary M.,
523; Samuel, 461, 494.
Hughes and Williamson, 129.
Hughlett, see Hullett.
Hugon, Lieut., 98.
Hullet (Huhlett, Hulet), John,
349, 357; Thomas, 251.
Humphrey, Col., 613.
Hungerford, Thomas, 123, 647.
Hunt, John Stone, 560; Thom-
as, 285.
Hunter, David, 256, 263 ;
George, 368; Priest, 383;
Thomas, 262; William, 349.
Hunting Creek, 94; tobacco
warehouse, 490.
Hunting shirts, see Shirts.
Huntington, Pres., 150; Sam-
uel, 8, 35, 45, 73, 92, 100, 112,
138, 159, 1 66, 174, 186, 351.
Hurdle, Lawrence, 291.
Hust, Jacob, 435, 534.
Hutchings (Hutchins), —— ,
141, 164; James, 419, 420, 556.
Hutchinsou, —— , 267; William,
265, 324-
Hutson, —— , 67, 68, 165; Solo-
mon, 67.
Hutton, Joseph, 580.
Hyde, Thomas, 242; William,
208, 224, 242, 253, 321, 414,
417, 508.
Hyland, Lambert, 575.
Mynes, see Hines.
Hynson, James, 251.
Ice, 200, 248.
Ijams, John, 500; Thomas, 645
Impressment warrants, 588, 589 ;
see also forage; horses; pro-
visions and supplies; vessels ;
wagons, etc.
Indented servant, 629.
Indian Annimessex, 489.
Indian corn, 6, g, 10, 24, 28, 38,
45, 49, 55, 56, 67, 75, 84, 85,
91, 92, 109, 125, 127, 128, 130,
136, 137, 146, 155, 175, i?6,
204-206, 208, 210, 238, 257,
290, 380, 399, 424, 433. 517;
exportation of prohibited, 250,
Indian Landing, 273 288, 321,
322, 368, 395, 406, 424, 485.
Infantry, see Troops.
Innoculation, 379, 384, 413, 439
Inspectors, 201, 238; see also
Tobacco, warehouses.
Insurrection, 492,
Intrepid, see Vessels.
Intrenching tools, 167, 172, 619,
625, 630, 632, 637, 644.
Ireland, 171, 445. 474-
Ireland, Gideon, 265; William,