Dulham, Richard, 84.
Dumest, John, 495.
Dumfries (Va.), 395.
Dunn, William, 657.
Dunning, James, 569.
Dunnington, George, 379.
Dunster, William, 214.
Durand, James & Co., 495.
Duvall (Duval), Lieut., 97, 98;
Capt., 411; Benjamin, 553;
Joseph, 556; Samuel, 571, 663,
666; Zachariah, 302, 325, 392,
Dyer, Ens., 97; Lieut, 97; Ed-
ward, 277; John, 445.
Dyson, Bennett, 379; George,
280; Thos., 600; Thos. A.,
280; Thos. Andrew, 612.
Eades, Edward, 518.
Eagerly, Edward, 258.
Eagle, see Vessels.
Eak, Adam, 663.
Eakin, Daniel, 276.
Eakle, Christian, 220.
Ear bobs, 674.
Earle, Richard Tilghman, 77.
Easman, Joseph, 208.
East Ridge, 389.
Eastern Shore, 56, 190, 210, 265,
347, 362, 372, 373, 376, 300,
406, 408, 440, 453, 523, 542,
617, 626, 632, 648, 658, 676;
barges, 618; Court martial,
proceedings, 670-675; Special
Council, 372, 390, 396, 406,
407, 434, 435, 438, 453, 500,
510, 523, 542, 554, 567, 5/8,
594, 506, 603, 623, 625, 630,
631, 641, 643, 644, 648, 651,
669, 670, 673, 675, 676; Special
Covirt, 507, 528, 532, 535, 536,
550, 552; Treasurer, 34, 130,
229, 260, 261, 265, 282, 289,
295, 298, 310, 341, 361, 375,
384, 402, 403, 405, 407, 408,
424, 436, 437, 442, 459, 4/6,
524, 627; see also under names
nf counties.
Eastman, Joseph, 253.
Ebbs, Emanuel, 642.
Eccleston, Maj., 272, 514;
Charles, 546; John, 327, 329,
478, 479, 492, 512, 583, 584,
Eden, John, 156, 435, 473, 634;
Sir Robert, 556, 677.
Edelin (Edelen), —— , 238, 601,
608; Christopher, 237, 257,
299, 387, 462, 500, 599, 617.
Edgerly (Edgley, Edgly), Capt.,
194; Lt., 45, 97.
Edminson, Archibald, 656.
Edmonston, —— , 98.
Egan, John Reader, 10.
Elbert, John L., 640, 641; Sam-
uel, 311.
Election of Governor and
Council, 213.
Elgin, Harrison, 569; Hezekiah,
Elizabeth Town (N. J.), 285,
350, 618.
Elk, see Head of Elk.
Elk Battalion of Militia, 466,
Elk Ridge Landing, 202, 270,
271; public records moved to,
Elliott (Elliot), John, 561; Jo-
seph, 229; Thomas, 368, 569.
Elmore, Comfort, 10.
Embargoes, 251.
Emerson's Warehouse, Wye
River, 231.
Emory and Gold, 396.
Engineer, 367.
England, 34, 429.
English swords, 536.
Enlistment money, see Bounty.
Ennalls, Bartholomew, 577
Skinner, 226, 334.
Ensor, William, 159, 496, 650.
Estep, Richard, 280.
Evans, David, 284; Elijah, 283,
485, 513; Isaac, 9, 353, 577;
John, 466; Samuel, 465 ;
Thomas, 489.
Evett, Seth Hill, 27.
Ewing, Capt., 229.; Lt., 97 ;
Robert, 229.
Execution of negro, 105.
Exemption from military duty,
see drafts.
Experiment, see Vessels.
Expresses and Express Riders,
6, 165, 184, 186, 197, 209, 245,
278, 309, 354, 425, 427, 467.
498, 500-506, 508-511, 513, 5i8,
524, 527, 531, 541, 542, 544,
550, 551, 571, 584, 588, 591,
594, 627, 628, 631, 645, 651,
653, 655, 666.
Extra Regiment, see Maryland
Regiments, Regiment Ex-
Fairbairn, Benj., 647.
Falconer, Abraham, 465, 486;
Gilbert, 251; William, 465.
Fallott, see Follett.
Farmer, Lieut., 97.
Farris, William, 655, 659.
Fassitt, David, 10; John, 10;
William, 10.
Fatigue men 6.
Faw, —— , 436; Abram, 60.
Fearson, Joseph, 269.
Feddeman, —— , 88; Col., 115.
Felicity, see Vessels.
Fell's Point Company of Ma-
trosses, 369.
Felt hats, 476.
Fenalt, Edmond, 465.
Fenly, William, 560.
Fennell, Mary, 228, 250; Wm.,
Fenwick, Sergt, 347; Edward,
649; Francis, 282; Ignatius,
676; John, 271.
Ferguson (Furguson), —— ,
167, Col., 103; Benj., 7; John,
Perguson's Rifle Regiment, 103.
Ferrys and Ferry boats, 39, 40,
54, 143, 185, 186, 191, 251, 253,
353, 357, 425, 577, 581, 617,
638, 675; impressment of, 638.
Fever, see Diseases.
Fickle, Ensign, 98.
Fiddeman (Fidderman), Philip,
265, 334, 495.
Field, George, 299, 332.
Field pieces, 256, 274, 373, 391.
399, 401, 450, 584; see also
Fifes, 50, 183, 184, 464, 586.
Finley (Finlay), Capt., 98; E.,
Fire Locks, 78.
Fish, 14, 150, 174, 381, 382, 577 ;
Herring, 3, 4, 14, 17, 26, 32,
84, 85, 101, 119, Shad, 14, 17,
84, 85, 101, 119, 381.
Fish, Benjamin, 411.
Fisher, John, 224, 657.
Fitzgerald, Col., 65, 143; Benja-
min, 299; James, 62; John,
143, 634; Thomas, 329.
Fitzhugh, —— , 87, 438; Mrs.,
to; Col., 31, 63, 125, 154, 173,
211, 262, 275, 380; Peregrine,
334, 378, 379, 464, 612; Wil-
liam, 10.
Fitzhugh's Mill, 87.
Fitzsimmons, Thomas, 224, 657.
Flags, 403, 537; British, 218;
flag of truce, 101, 102, 110,
160, 234, 277, 359, 360, 417,
431, 562; Union, 211; see also
Flannel, 276, 486.
Flannagan, Dennis, 654.
Flat, John, 656.
Flat boats, 368.
Flax, 675.
Flechinger, Michael, 664.
Fleet wood, Benj., 292.
Flemming, George, 653; Rich-
ard, 607.
Flesh provisions, see beef, pork,
Flint, Capt., 2.
Flints, 187, 259, 296-298, 321,
359, 36o, 371-373, 382, 387,
389, 390, 516, 532, 535-
Flour, Baltimore fine, 83.
Flour and Wheat, I, 6-8, 12, 14
17, 19, 21-23, 28, et seq.; see
also mills and millers.
Fogget, Richard, 657.
Fogwell, Aquila, 465.
Folger (Fulger), Capt., 64, 114,
435, 490, 634; Frederick, 281.
Follett (Fallott), William, 210,