D'Aumours Le Chevalier, 188,
221, 433, 434, 505.
Davidson, Capt, 97; Doct, 60 ;
John, 259, 359, 378, 464, 470,
477, 479, 506, 524, 549, 647,
649; Samuel, 549, 647.
Davidson and Wallace, 246, 248.
Davis, Col., 169; David, 569,
66l; George, 422, 451, 502;
Jesse, 656; Joseph, 559;
Rezin, 277, 278, 280, 283, 621 ;
Richard, 169, 293; Robert
Pain, 354; Thomas, 560; Wil-
liam, 662.
Davis, Coulter and Parker, 411.
Dawson, —— , 590-592, Joseph,
316, 385; Thomas, 123.
Day, John, Jr., 375.
Deakins, Wm., 107; William
Jr., 25.
Deale, Capt., 360: Richard, 443.
Deames (Deam, Deems), Fred-
erick, 303, 416, 572.
Deane (Dean), Major, 98, 272,
442; Elijah, 504; John, 441,
442, 546, 612.
Deavcr, Aquila, 291; John, 416.
Deburk, Thos, 492.
Decker, Frederick, 224.
Declaration of Rights, 134.
Decoy, see Vessels.
Deems, see Deames.
Defence, see Vessels.
Deford, —— , 397, William, 396.
De Gouvion, Col., 337.
De Grasse Count, 608, 609, 618,
Delahunty, James, 474.
Delaware, 38, 43, 55, 56, 96, 150,
166, 312, 381, 390, 396, 397,
406, 433, 492, 63.S; Bay, 313;
Capes of, 634; Line, 122, 531 ;
Peninsula, 669; Regiment,
553, 658; River, 512, 634.
Delay & Co., 131.
Dennis (Dennes), —— , 312,
Daniel, 443, 572, Henry, 67;
John, 225, William, 429.
Dennis, H. and Selby, 10.
Denny (Deney), —— , 261, 263 ;
Capt, 666; Lieut., 98, 642 ;
Robert, 228, 229, 272, 325, 359,
364, 371, 446, 449, 452, 509,
518, 526, 531, 538, 559, 561,
570, 571, 573, 58o, 581, 583,
592, 597, 630, 652, 654, 655,
Dent, —— , 93; Henry, 307 ;
Samuel, 569; William, 341.
Denune, John, 646.
Denwood, Doct., 98, 581; John,
294, 673; Levin, 426, 512, 529,
Derwood, John, 304.
Deserters, 24, 25, 27, 29, 33, 37-
40, 46, 49, 50, 52, 62, 68, 89,
99, 100, 108, 124, 128, 142, 153,
183, 198, 548, 583, 595, 671,
Deuxpont Regiment, 227-230.
Devil (Divel), Michael, 443,
Dew, James, 341.
Diamond, William, 465.
Dick, James, 312; Robert, 4.
Dickinson (Dickerson), Britt-
ingham, 404, 412, 429, 452 ;
Henry, 25, 260, 298, 408, 410,
415, 475, 523; John, 496.
Dickison, —— , 652.
Digges, —— , 93; Ignatius, 645.
Dillen, Thos., 78.
Dilman, John, 654.
Diseases, billious fever, 141 ;
cancer, 58; fever, 581; small-
pox, 369, 379, 384, 4ii, 4T3,
439, 639; ulcers, 58.
Disney, James, 610.
Dispatch boat, 339.
Dispatches, 644; see also Ex-
press and Express Riders.
Divel, see Devil.
Dixon, Nixon, 353; Solomon,
Dobb's Ferry (N. Y.), 40.
Dobson, Capt, 98; William, 657.
Doll, Conrad, 538.
Dolphin, see Vessels.
Donahy, Edward, 63.
Donally, Lieut., 98.
Donathy, Capt., 194.
Done, John, 575, 576", 578, 579,
673; Robert. 41.
Donnellan, —— , 244; Thomas,
3, 5, 14, 17, 29, 43, 54, 58, 83,
84, 85, 103, 107, 109, 110, 116,
119, 120, 139, 144, 156, 158,
176, 201, 203, 228, 239, 244,
246, 283, 304, 317, 321, 326,
33o, 331, 338, 343, 356 360,
362, 371, 377, 393, 432, 512,
527, 546, 641.
Donovan, Lieut, 98.
Dorchester Co., 22, 25, 28, 31,
32, 44, 51, 74-77, 93, 94, 127,
152, 179, 204, 220, 221, 224,
229, 251, 297, 298, 301, 303,
307, 334, 347, 407, 4'3, 452,
462, 481, 492. 496, 525, 532,
553, 577, 588-591, 593, 596,
603, 610, 631, 655, 656, 661 ;
see also Stevens, John; Sul-
livane, James; Wool ford,
James; Vienna.
Dorsey, —— , 20, 263, 438, 444;
Capt, 98, 158, 295, 654;
Edward, 676; Ely, 438, 439,
565; James, 474; John, n,
43, 84, 190, 191, 207, 214, 216,
243, 244, 247, 260, 332, 366,
409, 429, 435, 509, 652; John
Hammond, 664; Joshua, 268,
409, 410, 412, 418, 419, 421,
449, 476, 511, 598, 643; Phile-
mon, 224; Richard, 294, 296,
297, 367, 368, 512, 516; (of
John), 224; Robert, 146, 263,
430, 512; Sarah, 474; Ste-
phen, 444.
Dorsey & Co., 263.
Dorsey, John & Co., 273, 274,
303, 325, 326, 330, 346, 367,
402, 505, 509, 5", 55i, 552,
567, 586.
Dorsey's Matrosses, 158.
Dorton, William, 569.
Douglass, Richard, 334.
Dove, John, 604; Wm., 364.
Dover (Del.), 406.
Dowden, Thos., 86.
Dowlass, 70, 476, 557.
Downes, Henry, 29; V., 36 ;
Vachel, 224, 251.
Dowson, Joseph, 628, 587.
Dowson and Cowman, 628.
Doyle, — , 1)05, Thus., 4/9,
Drafts, 39, 363, 406, 413, 433,
438, 443, 444, 446, 447, 45o,
452, 465, 481, 482, 502, 517,
532, 535, 538, 540, 542, 543,
552, 554, 560, 563, 578, 586,
597, 605, 618, 628, 631, 646,
647, 652, 654, 656, 661-664,
666, 667, 671, 673; exemption
from, 179, 466, 481, 482, 539,
55i, 557, 56i, 576, 586, 605,
631; suspension of, 363, 377,
392, 438, 444, 510; see also
Dragon, see Vessels.
Dragoon Horoca, 414, 635
Drake, Joseph, 220.
Dreadow, Noble. 41.
Drishell, John, 277.
Driver, Mathew, 255, 568.
Droger, 3.
Drone, Paul, 323.
Drouilhet & Co., 133.
Drugs, 58, 60; Bark, 347, 361,
430, 487, 581, 640.
Drum Point, 418, 419; Fort,
Drummers, 327, 329.
Drummond, —— , 106.
Drums, 50, 183, 184, 528, 586;
heads, cords, and sticks, 464,
Dm ry, Charles, 422.
Dubberly, John, 10.
Dubreuil, Capt, 58.
Duck, 70, 143, 496, 497, 500, 520,
557, 566, 578, 580, 598, 604;
see also Canvas.
Duck Creek (Del.), 75, 76, 133.
Ducker, Cassandra, 604.
Duckett, Richard, Jr., 244.
Dudley, Ann, 609; Joseph, 609;
William, 465.
Due, James, 349.
Duff, Lieut., 531.
Duffits, 557
Dugless, Joseph, 200,
Duitt, Thos., 402.
Duke of Lemsier, see Vessels.
Dulany, James, 45-