Fookes, Thos., 10.
Forage, 126, 144, 148, 167, 168,
1/5, 184, 242, 341, 380, 424,
468, 524, 588-590, 594, 595,
596, 604-606, 629, 643, 653,
657, 666; see also hay.
Forbes, James, 432.
Ford, —— , 80, 524; Capt, 264,
377, 378, 409; Col., 97; Lieut.,
97; Lieut. Col., 89, 104;
Athanasius, 318; Joseph, 136.
148, 155, 156, 157, 242, 263,
271, 290, 319, 334, 409, 423,
462, 470, 471, 484, 515. 516,
559, 582, 608, 617, 647, 649,
664, William, 72, 657.
Forman and Chambers, 361.
Forrest, Col., 15, 33, 39, 40, 98,
136. 144, 158, 284, 296, 298,
664; Uriah, 47, 48, 6r, 165,
178, 201, 233, 286, 296, 299,
307, 337, 364, 367, 614, 617,
621; Zacbariah, 428.
Forrester, George Wm., 452.
Forrisdale, Stadford, 595.
Forsyth (Forsythe), Major,
ISO; John, 635.
Forts, 367, 393; Baltimore
Town, 202, 254, 270, 356, 399,
401; Drum Point, 414, 418,
419; Frederick, I, 60, 61, 112,
138, 148, 157, 167, 168, 199,
227, 236, 237, 242, 273-275,
388, 389, 415, 416, 425, 427,
428, 457, 600, 601, 635, 665 ;
Horn Point. 406; Pitt. 46, 69,
209, 299; Washington, 283;
Whetstone Point, 11; Wind
Mill, 350.
Foster, (Forster), —— , 273;
James, 277; Luke, 556, 557;
Ralph, 443.
Forwood, Jacob, 655.
Fowey, see Vessels.
Fowler, —— , 530; Joseph, 352;
Jubb, 302, 345, 391, 443, 502,
545, 640.
Fox, see Vessels.
Fox, Charles, 539.
Frampton, Richard, 27.
France, —— , 412.
France, 16, 121, 131, 134, 188,
306, 313-315, 361, 365, 366,
472, 489; Consul General, 188,
203, 221,; see also D'Aumours,
Le Chevalier. Minister of 8.
Subjects of in Maryland ex-
empt from taxation and mili-
tary duty, 203, 221, 222, ]33.
434, 505; see also French fleet
and troops.
Francis, John, 520: Tench, 292.
Franklin, Benjamin, 131, 132,
133, 142, 144. 145, 227; Henry,
10; John, 656; Thomas, 677.
Frazier (Frazer), Capt., 145;
John, 244; Joshua, 580.
Frederick County, 1, 5, 11, 15,
16, 46, 60, 61, 86, 94, 138, 139,
168, 185, 198, 199, 203, 224,
227, 237, 247, 257, 266, 269,
299, 301, 303, 306, 318-321,
333, 334, 338, 339, 345, 357,
358, 359, 369, 375, 387-389,
401, 405, 415, 417, 425, 427,
448, 455, 459, 460, 462-465,
467-470, 475, 481, 482, 492,
493, 495, 519, 531, 532, 538,
543, 544, 549, 550, 566-568,
587, 590, 591, 592, 600, 603,
607, 609, 614, 616, 619, 623,
624, 626, 635, 645, 648, 649,
652, 653, 654, 656, 657, 659,
660, 662, 663, 664, 667; see
also Beatty, Thomas; Edelen,
Christopher; Johnson, Baker;
Price, Thomas; Thomas,
Philip; court of Oyer and
Terminer; Forts, Fort Fred-
Frederick Town, 12, 16, 46, 55,
60, 94, 139, 158, 191, 199, 203,
205, 238, 244, 257, 258, 264,
267, 270, 274, 279, 300-302,
305, 309, 319-321, 340, 346,
357, 358, 375, 388, 404, 411,
417, 422, 425, 427, 428, 454,
455, 482, 490, 492, 501, 535,
550, 568, 590. 620, 628, 636,
659, 660, 662, 663, 665; bar-
racks for British prisoners,
199, 203, 305; see also British,
prisoners. Battalion of Mili-
tia, 92, 568. Insurrection, 492.
Poor House, 267, 660. Special
court for trials of state pri-
soners, 490, 492, 501.
Fredericksburg (Va.), 185, 454,
495, 592, 620, 621, 624.
Freelands, —— , 125.
Freeman, Edward, 50.
French, Lieut, 194; Thomas, 7.
French and Coleson, 131.
French and Hobson, 142, 144,
French, J. & P. & Nephew, 131,
132, 142, 144, 145.
French Fleet and Troops, 16, 21,
29, 40. 58, 66, 85, 99, 135, 167,
1 80, 186-188, 227-230, 306, 315,
317, 326, 330, 336, 337, 342-
344, 346, 361, 366, 373, 394-
396, 554, 562, 588-590, 594,
602, 603, 608, 623, 627, 629,
644, 648, 651; aid solicited for
sick and wounded, 186 aid
from Baltimore merchants,
358; enlistment of German
deserters, 187, 188, 227, 228,
230; in Chesapeake Bay, 186,
347, 608, 609, 614, 615, 623,
624, 637; impressment of ves-
sels, 666; provisions and sup-
plies for, 306, 343-345, 395,
396, 445, 603, 605, 609, 615,
619, 621, 627; transports, 330,
338, 339, 346-347, 350-352, 381 ;
see also Grasse, Comte de ;
Holker, Jean; Lafayette,
Marquis de; Luzerne, Cheva-
lier de la; Viomenil, Baron
de; Vessels, transports, etc.
French salt, 249, 663.
Friar (Capt. Friar, schooner),
Fritchy, —— , 467, 469.
Fruits, 140.
Fry, Barna, 656.
Fuel, 388.
Fulford, John, 57.
Fulger, see Folger.
Fullam. Sergt., 583.
Funk, Jon, 368.
Furguson, see Fergnson.
Furnaces, 34.
Furniture, 638.
Furnwal, Capt., 507.
Gaddes, see Geddes.
Gafford, Joseph, 465.
Gaither (Gather), —— , 598;
Capt., 457; Col., 242; Ed-
ward, 84, 109, 241, 277, 372,
493, 497, 506, 507, 5T9, 52i,
524, 596, 638: Edward, Jr.,
56o, 595; Henry, 97, 220, 229,
262, 272, 318, 457, 548, 586,
604; Vachel, 411.
Gale, Capt., 97, 514; George,
575; Henry, 575, 670; James,
146; John, 272, 276, 558, 559;
William, 575.
Galleys, 3, 389, 399, 432, 447,
450, 501, 512, 513, 551, 552,
573, 617, 641, 642, 664.
Galvan, Maj., 13.
Gambul, Augustine, 273.
Gammons, 161.
Gantt (Gannt), Erasmus, 414,
418, 616; Fielder, 225; Thom-
as, Jr., 224.
Gaols, see Jails.
Gardiner (Gardner), Francis,
676; Francis, J., 280; John,
Garlick, Joseph, 433.
Garner, Hezekiah, 667.
Garnett, Lieut., 98.
Garreguies, John, 147.
Garrettson, —— , 252, Job, 158,
204, 250, 251, 311, 437, 536,
547, 564. 653.
Garrison, Bennett, 573.
Gassaway, Capt., 97; Ens., 97 ',
Lt, 97; Henry, 545, 610, 644;
John, 630, Nicholas, 645 ;
Thomas, 47, 216, 274, 280, 307,
348, 428, 496, 505, 523, 566,
Gates, Horatio, 56, 78-80, 88,
104, 111, 134, 167, 172, 214,
222, 240, 377, 430, 664, 678.
Gather, see Gaither.
Gatrell, Stephen, 352.
Gauff, John, 337.