of the Council of Maryland. 649
Affairs there are certainly become very critical. We have had various
Accounts of Vessels arriving to the Eastward with Cloathing and
Stores, particularly Commodore Gillon in the Charlestown Frigate
but we were yesterday advised that the Accounted of his Arrival is
October 20
Liber No. 78
p. 296
Monday 22d October 1781
Ordered that the Armourer deliver to Lieut. John Davidson Pow-
der Sufficient to make two hundred and forty six Cartridges for the
use of the Company of Select Militia in Annapolis and also to Colo
Tootell the Tackle & Fall in his Possession taking his receipt for it
and if any Damage is clone it Colo Tootell will have it repaired.
That the western shore Treasurer pay to Edward Fenwick one
thousand three hundred pounds of the Bills emitted under the Act for
the Emission of Bills of Credit &ca of the money appropriated for
the present Campaign to be delivered over to Joseph Ford Com-
missary of St Marys County to be by him expended in the purchase
of Provisions for the Army on Account
That the said Treasurer pay to Lieut Joshua Rutledge 4 Regt thirty
pounds of the same Emission of the money aforesaid on Account
That the said Treasurer pay to John Hinde three pounds seven
shillings and six pence Specie agreeable to the Act to adjust the Debts
due from this State per Acct passed by the Aud. Genl the 15 Inst.
That John Bullen Quarter Master deliver to Capt Jordan of Colo
Lees Legion forty three saddles and Accoutrements, which came from
Frederick taking his receipt therefor, which he is to lodge with the
Auditor General.
That the Commissary of Stores deliver to John Denune a Soldier
in the 4th Maryland Regiment, one Coat, one waistcoat one pair
Breeches, one pair Shoes, and one pair Stockings.
October 22
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 169
[Council to Joseph Ford, Esqr.]
We have yours of the 20th Instant, and have sent you by Mr Fen-
wick 1300£ to pay for the Cattle which with the 600£ sent by Lands-
dale, make the sum you request. You will not for the present, collect
more than 400 Beef Cattle in the Whole, which you will continue to
forward to George Town. We have this Day received certain Infor-
mation of the Capture of Lord Cornwallis and his whole Army.
October 22
Liber No. 78
p. 296
[Council to John Bullen Esqr.]
We shall be much obliged to you to make us an immediate Return
of the Number of Horses you have received, from whom, what you
have delivered and to whom, and what Number remain on Hand. It
is the Determination of this Board, this Day to turn what may remain
over to the Continent.