644 Proceedings and Correspondence
October 16
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 165
able to the Act to adjust the Debts due from this State p Acct settled
by the A. Gl 13 Inst.
That the said Treasurer pay to John Mitchell five pounds six shil-
lings of the Bills emitted under the Act for the Emission of Bills
of Cred. &ca of the money appropriated for the present Campaign
due him per Account passed by the Aud. Genl
That the said Treasurer pay Ebenezer Riner one thousand pounds
of the same Emission of the money aforesaid to be delivd over to
John Voorhees Commy of Purchs for Kent County to be by him ex-
pended in the purchase of Cattle & accounted for.
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to Lieut Henry
p. 166
Gassaway of the 4th Regimt fifteen pounds of the Bills emitted under
the Act for the Emission of Bills of Credit &ca of the money appro-
priated for the present Campaign on Account.
That the said Treasurer pay to John Patrick one thousand pounds
of the same Emission of the money aforesaid to be delivered over to
Richard Dallam Esqr Commissary of Harford County to be by him
expended in the Purchase of Cattle on Account.
That the Issuing Commissary deliver to Capt. John Mitchell going
with Dispatches to the French Fleet five Days provisions for 4 hands.
That the said Commissary deliver to Thomas Hall a Witness for
the State against Arthur Kirk charged with high Treason one ration
per Day until he is Discharged by the General Court now sitting.
Agreed with Docf Ephraim Howard for a number of Intrenching
Tools at the following rates viz.
fifty Axes at twelve shillings and six pence
fifty Spades at twelve shillings and six pence
fifty Shovels at ten shillings
fifty hatchets helved at four shillings and to be allowed the same
Prices for what has already been delivered & Pick axes at 13/4.
October 16
Liber No. 78
p. 294
[Council to John Voorhees, Esqr.]
We received your Letter of the 11th this Day and have sent by
Mr Riner 1000£ to enable you to pay for the Cattle. A Sum in Specie
was sent the other Day to the Special Council to procure Barrels, to
whom you will be so obliging as to apply for the Money you may
want for that Purpose
P. 295
[Council To the Commissaries of Charles, St. Marys Harford, Prince
Georges & Calvert Counties.]
We have sent you by .... £s to enable you to procure and forward
the Number of Cattle heretofore directed, and to procure Barrels for
Flour & Pork.
Money sent To Charles County 120o£ St. Mary's 600£ Harford
1000£ Prince Georges 1000£ & Calvert 600£.