Wednesday 17 October 1781
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to Nicholas Gassa-
way twelve pounds, six shillings and one penny Specie agreeable to
the Act to adjust the Debts due from this State per Account passed
by the Audr General the 18 August 1781.
That the said Treasurer pay to Ignatius Digges Esquire one thou-
sand four hundred and eighteen pounds four shillings and four pence
and to Zachariah Stroble two hundred and fifty eight pounds thirteen
shillings and eight pence Specie agreeable to the Act aforesaid per
Certificates Settled and passed by the And. Genl
That the said Treasurer pay to John Yeates one thousand pounds
of the Bills emitted under the Act for the Emission of Bills of Credit
&ca of the money appropriated for the present Campaign to be de-
livered over to Hezekiah Reeder Commissary of Charles County on
That the said Treasurer pay to Lieut John Chever eight pounds
two shillings and five pence of the same Emission, of the money
aforesaid for Stores on Account
That the said Treasurer pay to Thomas I jams four pounds eight
shillings and six pence of the same Emission of the money appropd
for the payment of Expresses &ca his allowance on the Journal of
Accts May Session 1781
October 17
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 166
[Council to James Calhoun, Esqr.]
Colo Blaine called on the Board on his way to Virginia and in-
formed us that a large Quantity of Spirits would be absolutely neces-
sary for the Army in Virginia, and requested that as much might be
purchased as could be procured; we accordingly wrote to the Com-
missaries of Montgomery, Frederick and Washington, to purchase
what they Could in those Counties and sent 1500£ to the Commissary
of Montgomery and looof to each of the other Commissaries for that
Purpose; since which we have heard from Montgomery that little or
none could be procured in that County and Colo Price writes us on
the 27th Ulto that " he doubted not, in the Course of the next week, to
send off three or four Loads to George Town," where it was ordered.
We have not heard from Washington on the Subject
October 17
Liber No. 78
P. 295
Thursday 18th October 1781
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to John Hays junr
thirty eight pounds, eight shillings and six pence & to Benedict Hardy
three pounds Seven shillings & six pence Specie agreeable to the Act
to adjust the Debts due from this State p Accts passed by the Aud.
October 18
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 166