of the Council of Maryland. 641
pence and John H. Nicholls, forty pounds, eight shillings & six pence
Specie agreeable to the " Act to adjust the Debts due from this State "
per Accounts passed
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to General Small-
wood two hundred and thirty eight pounds specie part of the 4000£
to be distributed to the officers and soldiers of the 5th Regiment
ordered to the Southward on Account.
That the said Treasurer pay to General Smallwood twenty two
pounds ten shillings Specie to enable him to pay the Bounty to two
recruits enlisted for three years. Seventeen pounds, eleven shillings
and nine pence like Money and twelve pounds, fifteen shillings and
nine pence of the Bills emitted under the Act for the Emission of
Bills of Credit &ca of the money appropriated for the present Cam-
paign in lieu of Clothing on Account.
That the Issuing Commissary deliver to John L. Elbert thirty
galls of Rum and one hundred and twenty pounds of sugar to the Ist
That the Commissary of Stores deliver to the said John L. Elbert
a suit of Cloaths and Linen for four Shirts for the year 1780
That Thomas Donnellan deliver to Stephen Steward one thousand
pounds of biscuit on Account of the Galley building by him.
October n
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 163
p. 164
[Council to President of the Special Council.]
Colo Blaine has informed us of your strenuous Endeavours to pro-
cure Flour for the Support of the Army, and of your Difficulty in
getting Barrels for the want of Gold or Silver. Having received a
small sum in Specie towards Payment of the Land lately sold, we
take the earliest opportunity of sending seventy five Pounds to you,
for the Purpose of procuring Barrels, an we hope that you will be
able, by giving Part Specie and Part Paper, to obtain the Number
October 11
Liber No, 78
p. 294
[Council to Ignatius Taylor Esqr.]
We desire that you will hire, or if necessary impress a proper
Vessel to bring the Flour in your Possession to this Place, the first
opportunity that offers; and if you find it necessary to impress a
Vessel for that Purpose, this shall be a sufficient Warrant. We shall
upon the Receipt of the Flour here, pay Freight adequate to the
[Council to Mr. Thomas Donnellan.]
Mr Stephen Steward, who is building a Galley for the State, is in
Want of Bread for his Workmen. If you have any Biscuit on Hand,
belonging to the State, please to deliver to him or his Order one
thousand Weight.
October 12