The Board therefore engages to furnish the Tavern keepers and
persons who take in Lodgers with Beef and Flour at the Current
Specie price in this City for all the money of the last Emission which
they shall respectively receive from the Jurymen Sheriffs Witnesses
and others necessarily attending the General Court for their Accom-
modation and Entertainment.
October 10
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 163
[Council to The Judges of the General Court.]
We are honored with your Letter of this Day, communicating the
Representation of the Sheriffs, Jurymen and other Persons attending
the General Court. We are sensible of the distressed Situation of
those Persons, and concur with you in Opinion, if the General Court
should be constrained to adjourn, because the Jurymen, Sheriffs and
others necessarily attending the Court, cannot be accommodated for
the Money Of the last Emission, the Circulation of that Currency
must be totally obstructed throughout the State, as soon as those
Persons return to their respective Homes, and that it will be imprac-
ticable in future for this Board to procure those Supplies which are
indispensably necessary to give Efficacy to the present most important
Operations in Virginia, without resorting to the rigid Measure of
Seizure, which Justice and Policy prompt us to avoid as much as
possible, on Account of its Odiousness and Inequality; we also dread
the Evils that will, in all Probability, result from Stopping the Ad-
ministration of Justice. Our sense of Duty and our Desire to Support
the Credit of the new Money will induce us to adopt any Expedient
that will in any degree promote its Circulation, and extricate the Per-
sons attending the Court from their peculiar Hardship. The only one
that has occurred is, to assure the Tavern-keepers and Persons who
take in Lodgers, that we will let them have Beef and Flour at the cur-
rent Specie Price in this City for all the Money of the last Emission
which they shall respectively receive from the Jurymen, Sheriffs,
Witnesses and others necessarily attending the General Court for
their Accommodation and Entertainment, and that Measures will be
instantly taken to get the Beef and Flour here; this is the unanimous
Resolution of the Board and may be immediately communicated.
We understand and believe the current Specie Prices for Beef and
Flour in this City are 6d a Pound for Beef and 20/ p100tt for Flour.
October 10
Liber No. 78
p. 293
[Council to James Calhoun, Esqr.]
This Post is entirely without Flour, wherefore you will without
Loss of Time, send down 150 Barrels of Flour, and if necessary
impress a Boat for that Purpose, for which this shall be your Warrant
[Council to Vachel Stevens, Esqr.]
The Issuing Commissary at this Place is now without Beef and
unless you collect immediately, a Number of Cattle, the Troops must
p. 294