634 Proceedings and Correspondence
October 6
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 160
Saturday 6th October 1781
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to Joshua Bowen
thirty pounds fifteen shillings of the Bills emitted under the Act for
the Emission of Bills of Credit &ca of the money appropriated for
the present Campaign, nine pounds part thereof to be by him retained
and the Balance to be delivered over as follows six pounds fifteen
shillings to Colo Darby Lux, six pounds to James Govane, three
pounds to Solomon Bowen three pounds to Jacob Young and three
pounds to John Riely due them per Accounts passed by the Aud. Genl
p. 161
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to Elizabeth Burton
Twenty shillings of the Bills emitted under the Act for the Emission
of Bills of Credit &ca of the money appropriated for the present Cam-
paign due her per Account passed by the Aud. Genl
Whereas Negroe Joe the property of John Eden of St. Marys
County captured in the Jack O'th Lanthorn by Capt Folger in the
Antelope was delivered to the said John Eden upon his agreeing to
restore him on the order of the Governor and Council or to pay the
customary Salvage whenever called on by the Governor and Council
And whereas the said Negroe Joe hath been lately condemned by the
Court of Admiralty in this State as a legal Prize therefore Ordered
that the said John Eden deliver up the said Negroe Joe into the
possession of the Marshall of the said Court of Admiralty or his
October 6
Liber No. 78
p. 291
[Council to Colo. John Fitzgerald.]
We have on your Requisition (contrary to our usual Custom, and
this Act of Assembly which requires the Description of the Persons
of the Captain and the next commanding Officer of any Vessel obtain-
ing a Commission of Letter of Marque, to be endorsed on the Com-
mission) enclosed you a Bond, Commission and Instructions, which
Bond we request you will see executed and transmit to us as soon
as may be. The Gentleman who applies for the Commission, says he
is acquainted with the Persons of the Officers, we shall therefore
depend on his Description.
[Council to Delegates from Maryland in Congress.]
We have had frequent applications from the Friends of Capt.
William Middleton, who was taken in the State Boat Dolphin, to
obtain his Release, also from Capt. Weems and others for the Release
of William Williamson, Chief Mate of the Porpoise, who was taken
in the River Delaware in July or August 1781 by some Barges, with
a Sloop carrying Part of the Cargo saved out of the Wreck of the
Porpoise at the Capes of Delaware; James Hewston 2d Mate of the
Porpoise, Prize Master on Board a Schooner Packet, taken off Dela-
ware about the 1st July 1781. Hezekiah Orme, a foremast Man taken
at the same Time with Hewston, Daniel Campbell an Inhabitant of