That the said Treasurer pay to Thomas Gassaway one hundred
and eighty five pounds six shillings and three pence Specie agreeable
to the said Act due him per Certificate settled by the Aud. Genl
That the Issuing Commissary deliver to Capt. David Lynn four
Galls of Rum and sixteen pounds of sugar and also to Lieut Clement
Skerrit fourteen Gallons of Rum and fifty six pounds of sugar due
to the 1st Instant.
That the Commissary of Stores deliver to Adair Adams a Soldier
in the 1st Regimt discharged one Coat, one hat, one shirt one pair
Overalls and one pair of Shoes in part of the Cloathing due him.
Permission is hereby given to Mrs Mary M. Hughes to apply to
His Excellency General Washington or the Governor of the Jersies
for Licence to go into the City of New York on a Visit to her Friends.
July 27
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 115
[Council to President of the Special Council.]
We are honored with Mr Tilghman's Letter of the 23d and with
yours of the 25th Current altho there are large Subscriptions in many
of the Counties yet upon Application to the treasurer of this Shore we
find the Subscriptions already lodged amount only to 23,000£ as one
fifth of the whole to be issued is subject to your Disposition for the
Defence of the Eastern Shore, we have informed Mr Dickinson he
may issue one fifteenth of the Sum lodged and the same proportion
to all subscriptions and Bonds which may in Future be deposited,
the reason which induced us to adopt this Mode must occur to your
Honors, for should it happen that the subscription and Bonds do not
come in to the Amounts of 2oo,ooo£ the proportion alloted to each
share must be accordingly diminished. We should with Pleasure send
you the Ordnance Stores you wrote for but some of them are entirely
expended and others very insufficient for the daily Demands on us,
we shall however examine our Magazines and if we can possibly
supply you without leaving this Shore destitute we shall most readily
do it the Governor is not at present in Town, but you shall have the
Commission for the Coroners you recommend with the first Con-
July 27
Liber No. 78
p. 221
[Council to Henry Dickinson, Esqr. ]
We have directed the Treasurer of this Shore to give you Infor-
mation from Time to Time the Amount of the Securities lodged with
him for the Redemption of the Bills of Credit to be emitted, and as
one fifteenth thereof is allotted by law to issue for the Eastern Shore
for the Defence of the Eastern Shore, we request you to issue in the
Proportion of one fifteenth of the Securities which Mr Harwood
shall inform you are lodged in his Office, the present Amount tc
p. 222