524 Proceedings and Correspondence
July 27
Liber No. 78
p. 222
[Council to Colo. Edward Gaither.]
There is an immediate want of short Forage for the Horses in the
Care of Mr Bullen, you will therefore send what Bran and Shorts
you have immediately to Annapolis
[Council to Thomas Harwood, Esqr.]
We request you to give Information to the Treasurer of the
Eastern Shore of the Amount of the Securities lodged with you for
the redemption of the Bills of Credit to be emitted, and to continue
to give him this Information from Time to Time as the Securities
may come in.
[Council Circular, Commissaries of Prince George's, Charles and
St Mary's County.]
As there will not be an immediate Occasion for a further supply
of Cattle at George Town we request you not to send any more
thence, but wait our further Orders, and in the mean Time have the
Cattle put in good Pastures
[Council to John Smith Brookes, Esqr.]
We received your Letter of the 26th and refer you to two Letters
lately wrote to you on the Subject of Cattle; Enclosed you have forty
Pounds to assist in paying the immediate Expences of driving the
Cattle and other Expences, we think you must get Barrels at George
p. 223
Town from the Commissary there which is much nearer than
Mr Fords.
July 28
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 116
Saturday 28th July 1781
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to James Maccubbin
Thirty three pounds, twelve shillings of the Bills emitted under the
Act for the Emission of Bills of Credit not exceeding two hundred
thousand pounds &ca of the money appropriated for the payment of
Expresses &ca his Allowance on the Journal of May Session 1781.
That the said Treasurer pay to Doctr Charles Frederick Wiesen-
thall forty pounds of the same Emission of the money appropriated
for the present Campaign to be by him expended in necessaries for
the Hospital in Baltimore Town on Account.
That the said Treasurer pay to Capt. Richard Waters of the 3d
Regimt Twelve pounds of the same Emission of the money appropri-
ated as aforesaid due him for Stores per Account passed by the
Aud. Genl
That the said Treasurer pay to Major John Davidson fourteen
pounds twelve shillings and six pence of the same Emission of the
money appropriated as aforesaid due him per Account passed by the
Depy Aud.