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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1780-1781
Volume 45, Page 486   View pdf image (33K)
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486 Proceedings and Correspondence

June 23
Liber No. 78
p. 200

[Council Circular to the Lieutenants.]

Enclosed you have the Act entitled " An Act to raise two Bat-
talions of Militia for reinforcing the continental Army, and to com-
pleat the Number of select Militia " We request your particular and
immediate Attention to the last Clause of the said Act.


[Council to Matthew Ridley Esqr.]

Yours of the 21st we received and have sent the Camp Kettles with
the regulations for the Government of the Militia, whilst in actual
Service to Capt. Moore, we have given him our Opinion that it will
he proper to have the Horses valued, that in Case of Loss full Satis-
faction may be made for them.


[Council to Gen'1 Smallwood.]

You were so obliging as to promise some Camp Kettles for the
Horse at George Town ordered to reinforce the Marquis Fayette, we
have employed the Bearer George Adams to carry them and will
take it as a Favor if you will order eight to be delivered to them.


[Council to Mr. Abram Falconer.]

You will deliver to Colo Hollingsworth the Waggon and Team
which you procured for the Public some Time ago, and which was
refused to be received, the general Assembly by their Resolution of
the 10th Instant, having directed them to be received.

June 25
Liber C B.

No. 24
P. 97

Monday 25 June 1781.

Ordered that the Commissary of Stores deliver to General Small-
wood one yard of flannel. Colo Adams six yards flannel and also to
Capt James Hamilton of the 4th Regimt Linen for two shirts and
Cloth for a waistcoat and Breeches to complete the present year.
That the Issuing Commissary deliver to Capt. Thomas Grason
five Days Provisions and three Gallons of Rum for the Crew of the
Barge Revenge.

June 25
Liber No. 78
p. 200

[Council to John Muir, Esqr.]

You will deliver to Genl Smallwood or his order, such Cloathing
and Shoes as he may think proper to draw for the Soldiers in the
continental Army.


p. 201

[Council Circular to the Persons appointed to receive and provide
for the recruits under the Act of May Session.]

By the Act to raise two Battalions of Militia for the continental
Army &ca We are directed to appoint proper Persons in each County

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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1780-1781
Volume 45, Page 486   View pdf image (33K)
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