480 Proceedings and Correspondence
June 11
Liber No. 78
p. 194
you not to comply with any Orders, but from us; The Tents are
much wanted nor can we do without them. The Tobacco delivered
Mr Key is for particular Purposes and will be solely under his
Directions in Consequence of his Engagement to advance the Money
for transporting and superintending that Business without a Reward.
We wish you to be as expeditious as possible with the Tents and
Camp Kettles, as the Mo[ve]ments of the Troops now here, depend
on those Articles, The Blankets will be indisputably necessary, we
therefore wish you to collect all you can, or any Thing that will
answer the End. We have complied with your Requests for the To-
bacco and Order on Mr Dallam for one hundred and Sixty Barrels
of Flour. We conceive it proper that you should exercise the Power
invested in you under the late Law for procuring Cloathing particu-
larly when the Possessor of the Articles wanted, have been back-
ward in affording Assistance to the State.
[Council to Andrew Buchanari, Esqr.]
Major Griest John Steel Thomas and William Johnson have given
Information to Mr Goldsmith of this City, that a Person who con-
ducts himself in a very suspicious Manner lodges with a Man on
the Point who is generally thought to be disaffected; he came from
New York and has been at Baltimore about three weeks, is constantly
prying into what is going on and says he associates with no one nor is
known to any Body. We wish you would endeavour to find out this
Man and inquire into the Circumstances of his behaviour, and if you
think there is good Ground to suspect him as a Spy or a Person whose
going at large may be dangerous to the State, We request you would
cause him to be apprehended and his papers seized and sent with him
to this Board.
P. 195
[Council to Mr. William Howell.]
You will deliver forty Barrels of the Pork received from Mr Blake
to John Chrysal issuing Commissary at this Post, the remainder you
will carry to Baltimore and deliver to James Calhoun Esqr.
June 20
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 95
Wednesday 20th June 1781
Ordered That the Commissary of Stores deliver to Lieut Jacob
Gromith of the German Regiment Cloth and Trimmings for a Suit
of Cloaths and Linen for four shirts due him for the year 1780 and
also to Commodore Thomas Grason nine sheets of Tinn for the
use of the Barges belongs to the State.
That the Armourer deliver to the said Commodore Grason five
Swivel Guns, three formers, twelve Prickers, twenty four Tompeons,
six touch hole bitts and what Swivel Ball he may want for the above
mentd Barges.