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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1780-1781
Volume 45, Page 479   View pdf image (33K)
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of the Council of Maryland. 479

Adams, Lieut Colo James Tootell, Major's John Eccleston and John
Davidson, and Captains Jonathan Sellman, John Courts Jones,
Edward Prall, John Mitchell and Nicholas Maccubbin junr a Court

of Judicature for the Trial of Thomas Doyle suspected and appre-

hended as a Spy or Emissary from the Enemy.
Given under the Great Seal of the State of Maryland this 18th Day
of June in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and
eighty one.
Commissions issued to Thomas Henry Howard appointed first
Lieut. Beriah Maybury 2d Lieut. and Benjamin Ogle 3d Lieut of
Capt Samuel Harvey Howards Independent Company of Militia in
the City of Annapolis.

June 18
Liber C. B.

No. 24

[Council to Gen'1 Smallwood.]

By the enclosed Commission we have appointed you President of
a Court of Judicature instituted for the Trial of Thomas Doyle
apprehended as a Spy, the following Persons have been mentioned to
us as the witnesses against [him], Ann Burton, James Joiner, John
Irvington, John Chalmers, Robert Berry and William Goldsmith,
We request you to transmit to this Board the Proceedings of the
Court with the Testimony adduced against the Prisoner, and not to
discharge him in Case of Acquital until we shall take Order therein.

June 18
Liber No. 78
P. 193

Tuesday 19th June 1781.

Ordered That the western shore Treasurer pay to Colo Samuel
Smith one hundred hhds of Tobacco to be by him applied to the
Purchase of Cloathing &ca and to be by him Accounted for.
That Richard Dallam Esqr deliver to Colo Saml Smith one hundred
and sixty Barrels of public flour in his hands.
On the Resignation of the Honble General Smallwood Lieut. Col"
Peter Adams, Lieut Colo James Tootell, Major John Eccleston and
John Davidson and Captains Jonathan Sellman, John Courts Jones,
Edward Praul, John Mitchell and Nicholas Maccubbin Junr are
appointed a Court of Judicature for the Trial of Thomas Doyle sus-
pected and Apprehended as a Spy or Emissary from the Enemy.

June 19
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 95

[Council Circular, John Davidson and Isaac McHard]
We request you will attend this Board immediately

June 19
Liber No. 78
p. 193

[Council to Colo. Samuel Smith.]

Yours of the 14, 17 & 18th Instant respecting the Tents &ca we
received. Colo Adams was not authorised by this Board to make the
Application, nor can Business be conducted in a proper Line if every
officer that thinks proper, gives his Directions, we therefore acquaint


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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1780-1781
Volume 45, Page 479   View pdf image (33K)
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