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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1780-1781
Volume 45, Page 478   View pdf image (33K)
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478 Proceedings and Correspondence

June 16
Liber No. 78
P. 192

[Council to Colo. Barnes.]

John Taylor has been discharged by this Board on giving Security
in the Sum of 1000£ for his good Behaviour and his confining him-
self to the District of Montgomery County, Capt Maybury is his
Security for the Present to enable him to return Home and procure
other Security, we have enclosed you a Bond a Duplicate of the one
given which we request you to see executed with such Security as you
may approve of, and which we shall be obliged to you to transmit as
soon as possible by some safe Hand.

June 17
Liber No. 78
p. 192

[Council to Major John Steward.]

The enclosed Complaint contains a Charge against you of ordering
three of the Citizens of the State under Guard and confining them in
the Guard House where they were put in Irons and Robert Boyde
one of them severely whipt. We have resolved to go into an Inquiry
and full Investigation of the Charge and Justice requires you should
have Notice thereof and an Opportunity of answering it, we there-
fore inform you that to-morrow Morning at 10 o'Clock we shall
enter into the Examination when you attend.


[Council to Capt. Alexander Trueman.]

The enclosed Complaint contains a Charge against you of confin-
ing three of the Citizens of the State in the Guard House, putting
them in Irons, and whipping Robert Boyd one of them severely, we
have resolved to go into an Inquiry and full Investigation of the
Charge, and Justice requires you should have Notice thereof and an
Opportunity of answering it, we therefore inform you that to mor-
row Morning we shall enter into the Examination when you may

June 18
Liber C. B.

No. 24

Monday 18th June 1781

On the Representation of Lieut John Kilty that he obtained an
order on the Commissary of Stores for one suit of Cloaths and linen
for six shirts in part for the last and present year and that he hath
lost or mislaid the same and that the Contents thereof have never
been complied with therefore ordered that the said Commissary of
Stores deliver to Lieut John Kilty of Baylors Corps one suit of
Cloaths and linen for six shirts in part for the last and present year.
Ordered that the Issuing Commissary deliver to Major John
Eccleston Ten Gallons of Rum and forty pounds of Sugar due him
to the 1st Instant.
In Virtue of the " Act entitled An Act for the Trial and Punish-
ment of Spies and such as may join the Enemy." We have and do
hereby appoint Major Genl William Smallwood, Lieut Colo Peter

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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1780-1781
Volume 45, Page 478   View pdf image (33K)
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