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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1780-1781
Volume 45, Page 477   View pdf image (33K)
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of the Council of Maryland. 477

Robert Boyd of Queen Anns County complains that on the 16th
June 1781 he was called into Mr John Davidson's Store by Captain
Trueman, who asked him in the presence of Major Steward if he
saw him take a watch from a soldier. Boyd said he did not, but that
he saw him have a Watch. Captain Trueman then struck him three
Times with a Cane, Boyd went to his Barge lying at the Dock and
then Capt Trueman drew up the Soldiers before the Barge and asked
him to point out the Soldier that he took the watch from. Boyd told
him he did not know the soldier for he did not see Capt Trueman
take it. Capt Trueman Struck him several Times again and then
James Ray the Lieut of the Barge interfered and many blows passed
between Capt. Trueman and the Lieutt and after the affray and after
the people belonging to the Barge who were concerned in the Affray
had got on board of the Barge Major Steward came to the Barge
and ordered the Complainant Ray and George Cox under Guard
and Capt. Trueman with the Guard carried them to the Guard House
and ordered them to be put in Irons and went away, Ray and Boyd
were handcuffed together and Cox alone they remained in the Guard
House handcuffed about half an Hour. Capt Trueman then had the
handcuffs taken off of Boyd and carried him to Mr Davidsons and

June 16
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 94

asked him if he had seen him with a Watch, and he said he did. Capt
Trueman after that carried him back to the Guard House and ordered
him to strip. Boyd asked him if he was not to have a Treat first.
Trueman damn'd him and told him no, he would whip him and
ordered the Guard strip him and then he pulled of all his Cloaths but
his shirt and then Trueman whipt him very severely with a Cow-skin.
Capt. Trueman then discharged him and after that released Ray
and Cox.

P. 96

[Council to Lieutenant of Kent County.]

By the last Accounts from Virginia the Enemy were moving
Southwardly which indicates no immediate Intention of invading this
State. We therefore countermand the marching Orders issued for
the Troop of Horse of your County, and have no Doubt but they will
exert themselves in getting every necessary Accoutrement and in per-
fecting themselves for the Field, as it is quite uncertain at what
Hour their Services will be required.

June 16
Liber No. 78
p. 192

[Council to Gen'1 Smallwood.]

Complaints have been made to us by Thomas Grason commanding
officer of the Barge Revenge that James Ray Robert Boyd and
another Person belonging to the said Barge are confined in the Guard
House by order of some of our Officers we therefore request Inquiry
may be immediately made into the Cause of such extraordinary and
unwarrantable Proceedings and that [the] Men [be] released from
such Confinement


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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1780-1781
Volume 45, Page 477   View pdf image (33K)
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