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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1780-1781
Volume 45, Page 476   View pdf image (33K)
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476 Proceedings and Correspondence

June 13
Liber No. 78
p. 19:

[Council to Daniel Jenifer, Esqr.]

We received yours of the 13th and have heard from Mr Ridgate,
his Terms are so extravagantly high that we cannot think of purchas-
ing his Goods, and therefore leave them to you to do with as you may
think proper. Mr Beale Turner says that none of the Goods have been
removed from Port Tobacco the Assembly are making every Exer-
tion to establish the Credit and Validity of the Certificates, and of the
paper Money of this State so that for the future we hope there will
be no real Foundation for suspecting that they will not be punctually

p. 192

[Council to William Clagett, Esqr.]

Yours of the 13th Instant is received your brother has made us an
offer of German Dawlas Oznabrigs and felt Hatts which we have
referred to you they are such Articles as are wanting for the Army,
you will have all the Goods immediately collected and sent to this
Place to be delivered to Mr John Muir Commissary of Stores

June 16
Liber C. B.
No. 24
p. 94

Saturday i6th June 1781

Ordered that the Eastern shore Treasurer pay to the Western
Shore Treasurer five thousand three hundred and fifteen pounds,
seven shillings and four pence of the new Emission, two hundred
and ninety eight thousand eight hundred and six pounds of Crop and
forty eight thousand four hundred and eighty six pounds of Transfer
That the Issuing Commissary deliver to Commodore Grason for
the Crew of the Barge Revenge belonging to the State five Days
Commissions issued to Zedekiah Walley appointed Captain Joseph
Handy first Lieut of the Barge Protector in the Service of this State.
John Muir appointed Purchaser of Cloathing in Ann Arundel
County in the room of Samuel Harvey Howard who refused.
In Pursuance of the Resolution of the General Assembly of the
13th Instant. This Board took into Consideration the Cases of John
Taylor and Joshua Dorsey and after deliberating on the Circum-
stances thereof are of opinion that their going at large would be
dangerous to the State and therefore order that John Taylor be con-
fined to the District of Montgomery County and Joshua Dorsey to
the limits of Ann Arundel, Calvert, Charles, St. Marys and Prince
Georges Counties not to depart the limits thereof without the leave
of the Governor and Council for the time being first had and obtained
and to be of good behaviour in the mean time and that John Taylor
enter into Bond with good security in the Penalty of one thousand
pounds Specie and Joshua Dorsey in the Penalty of five hundred
pounds specie to comply with the said Order.


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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1780-1781
Volume 45, Page 476   View pdf image (33K)
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